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  1. #31
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    For those of you who may have a lack of peppers to make your own salsa, see if there is an oriental market nearby. Some of the peppers used in Thai cooking I know are very similar to waht is available from the southwest. I make several salsa's that are Thai recipes that everyone swears is Mexican.


  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ted Crocker View Post
    I need to get my soil back into shape before the fall when I plant them again. I was growing it in raised beds that were filled mostly with compost and had lots of sand; it was real loose and fluffy. These wer growing in a heavier clay soil and they didn't get very big. It's OK because I've multiplied the number of cloves I have, but the elephant garlic isn't softball size like it used to be.

    I guess I need to plant okra again this year; I'm just not sure where to put it.
    In gardens with limited space, plan on planting the okra where you would normally plant the pole beans (especially if you do a second planting of beans). When the okra is up, plant the beans and let them climb the okra. Harvest both, no problem.

  3. #33
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    I have had to abanden my established garden areas in the back. I don't know how long this situation will go on, but I have worked extencively with hanging, container, and low-tech hydroculture type gardening. I have moved several things to an opposit corner of my aluminum cottage.
    I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
    Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…

  4. #34
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    Garlic Pesto Recipe.

    I got this from a newsletter I subscribe to. Thought the rabble might be interested.

    Swine Flu! FEAR NOT! God has a plan!!
    Over 20,000 people die each year from the flu. With only 2 deaths attributed to "Swine Flu" in the USA and less than 30 in Mexico it is clear that this strain of flu is not so lethal. It can kill the very young and elderly, but with the World Health Organization's endorsement of Tamiflu and stockpiling of the drug you would think this Swine Flu is bad as the bubonic plauge. It is not.

    Even if this Swine Flu mutated into a more serious strain, Tamiflu is only capable to reduce the SYMPTOMS of flu. It does not destroy the flu virus. In fact, of all the foods on Earth there is only one that is truly anti-viral and that is GARLIC.

    As a hand of outreach, I offer you my INFAMOUS "Nine-Clove Garlic Pesto" to
    prevent and fight the Swine Flu. Make it now! Eat it regularly for good health.
    My 7 year old practically ate an entire jar with me in 1 sitting. Its that good!

    9-Clove Garlic Pesto
    In a food processer simply add:

    6 oz. Pine Nuts
    1 1/2 cups Basil in a measuring cup compressed down to 1 1/2 cup mark
    *three 3/4 ounce containers of basil as sold at Whole foods or 1 large plant.
    9 LARGE cloves of Garlic
    3/4 cup Organic Olive Oil
    1 tsp. Sea Salt
    Blend 30 seconds and enjoy on your favortie dish, veggies or a healthy chip.

  5. #35
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    Pizza is better with garlic and habanero's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Wallace Catanach, Kiltmaker

    A day without killting is like a day without sunshine.

  6. #36
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    All right, I was able to tap the water line in my washing machine shed, which is off the back end of my work shop, and put a second hose bib in. I only have one hose bib for the hose and irrigation etc. I have a manifold on that, but the whole thing is on "that" side of the aluminum cottage. It's not a full 3/4 inch line, just 1/2 soft copper, but it will do for a water service on the good side of the house until I can figure out the best way to run some 3/4" PVC.

    While I was at it, I cleaned out the surge berrel for the gray water off the washing machine, and set up a 55 gallon rain water storage container for backup irrigation on those hanging plants. Now it's mostly going to be setting up hoses etc. I also have to set up a water collection method for their drainage, so they don't drip on the porch.
    Last edited by Bugbear; 15th May 09 at 05:35 PM.
    I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
    Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…

  7. #37
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    All this talk of food has made me hungry, so off to the pantry to see what's
    there. I will try out you recipe, it sound good.
    I don't believe the idea is to arrive in heaven in a well preserved body! But to slide in side ways,Kilt A' Fly'n! Scream'en "Mon Wha A Ride" Kilted Santas
    4th Laird of Lochaber, Knights of St Andrew,Knight of The Double Eagle
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  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by funlvnman View Post
    Garlic Pesto Recipe.

    As a hand of outreach, I offer you my INFAMOUS "Nine-Clove Garlic Pesto" to
    prevent and fight the Swine Flu. Make it now! Eat it regularly for good health.
    My 7 year old practically ate an entire jar with me in 1 sitting. Its that good!

    9-Clove Garlic Pesto
    In a food processer simply add:

    6 oz. Pine Nuts
    1 1/2 cups Basil in a measuring cup compressed down to 1 1/2 cup mark
    *three 3/4 ounce containers of basil as sold at Whole foods or 1 large plant.
    9 LARGE cloves of Garlic
    3/4 cup Organic Olive Oil
    1 tsp. Sea Salt
    Blend 30 seconds and enjoy on your favortie dish, veggies or a healthy chip.
    Now that's what I call enough garlic!

  9. #39
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    Guess I could work out a spot for a few bonsai on the porch; most are out in the ground so far.

    In a few days, I'll be breaking up those bulbs of elephant garlic and putting all of them in the fridge until September.

    Hopefully by then I will have come up with a place to plant them again. But... I could probably plant them in a very large container, or make a raised bed somewhere on this side of the house.
    I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
    Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…

  10. #40
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    Oh I love Garlic. Wanna trade for some raspberries? I happen to know they can't be grown down there

    Have you tried roasting a garlic clove in the oven with a little olive oil? It spreads like butter on bread--so delicious.

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