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  1. #1
    Phogfan86's Avatar
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    Gold Brothers, aka...

    Can folks post the many aliases under which the Gold Brothers sell their stuff?
    Why, a child of five could understand this. Quick -- someone fetch me a child of five!

  2. #2
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    Heritage of Scotland

  3. #3
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    Thumbs down

    I believe Pride of Scotland is one, not sure though. There's a whole slew of them, but I can't recall the names.

    John Morrison's (Kilts)
    Clans of Scotland
    The Scottish Shop

    Geoffrey Nicholsby, a kiltmaker who has fitted out the likes of Charlton Heston and Mel Gibson, claimed the shops were guilty of "cultural rape". - from the Scotsman's article:
    Ban on 'Queen's tartan' sales over breach of copyright law
    Last edited by Swampthing; 27th May 09 at 01:25 PM.

  4. #4
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    Is there any real way of finding out?
    I don't believe the idea is to arrive in heaven in a well preserved body! But to slide in side ways,Kilt A' Fly'n! Scream'en "Mon Wha A Ride" Kilted Santas
    4th Laird of Lochaber, Knights of St Andrew,Knight of The Double Eagle
    Clan Seton,House of Gordon,Clan Claus,Semper Fedilas

  5. #5
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    Look at the shop's products, if they're utter plastic-Scottie CRAP (and I emphasize crap, very..very much), then it's probably theirs. :P

    If you look at a website's 'About us' page, it should be about them, not info about their products, deals, or a bunch of links, otherwise they're probably not legit, which is
    the case for Gold Bros.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swampthing View Post
    Look at the shop's products, if they're utter plastic-Scottie CRAP (and I emphasize crap, very..very much), then it's probably theirs. :P

    If you look at a website's 'About us' page, it should be about them, not info about their products, deals, or a bunch of links, otherwise they're probably not legit, which is the case for Gold Bros.
    Blimey! People may not like what the Gold Bros make or how they go about selling it but that's a far cry from accusations that they are not 'legit'. By not legit, I assume you imply trading illegally. I offer NO legal advice here but for the love of common sence. You can choose whether or not you wish to do business with a company based on the information they present (or do not present) on a website but I would be wary of stating a company was not operating legally based on an impression from same.

    Gold Bros Stores and websites are listed on this weblink

    It should be noted that there are lots of other businesses that re-sell Heritage of Scotland products, for example: The Scotland Kilt Company, Macdonald Sporrans and the casual kilts sold on Carse of Gowrie (ebay) among many others so there isn't an easy way to judge, though from a British perspective if it's an online kilt and costs between 30 and 60 quid and calls itself 16oz Poly Viscose / casual / football / beer, chances are it's a Gold Bros kilt.

    I suppose we all have choice. You either like them or you don't. They are not expensive and they are definately not wool. I wouldn't say their kilts were crap, they are not good quality but there is definately a lot worse out there. You pays your money, you takes your chances... Read what it says you are buying before you buy it. If in doubt ask the seller outright where his kilts are sourced and what they are made of; any reticence? walk away... And if after all that, what you receive is not what it says on the tin, send it back demanding a refund.

    If you want a quick and easy kilt-like garment these will do. If you want a real kilt, you'd better start saving... If you wan't something for less than 30 quid you really are looking for crap...

    Didn't we have a Lady Member join us recently to present the Gold Bros side of things?

  7. #7
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    A very old rant and cant issue here.

    Thanks for the “not crap” opinion.
    No thanks for the “real kilt” opinion.
    [FONT="Georgia"][B][I]-- Larry B.[/I][/B][/FONT]

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Larry124 View Post
    ... A very old rant and cant issue here ...
    Not ranting Larry, not by a long shot; and "cant issue"? that's a bit harsh.

    Thanks for your use of the word "opinion" for that is what it is, cant or otherwise...

  9. #9
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    Hi there,
    the list of our shops is available under the link given above. We, however sell our instock merchandise to other shops, so they can be found all over Scotland.
    Our made to measure kilts are made of materials wooven by well known Scottish mills and made by one of the best kilt makers in Scotland.

    Regarding our polyviscose kilts - these are casual wear kilts and even though you don't approve it, a lot of people buys them for everyday wear, stagnights or other events where they wouldn't wear 300 pounds worth kilt.

    if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
    have a nice day!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Heather MacCain View Post

    Regarding our polyviscose kilts - these are casual wear kilts and even though you don't approve it, a lot of people buys them for everyday wear, stagnights or other events where they wouldn't wear 300 pounds worth kilt.

    if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
    have a nice day!
    Hi Heather,

    Just wanted to comment that many (perhaps even most) on the forum have no problem with kilts made of synthetic materials, or imported machine sewn kilts, even if they choose not to purchase them.

    Perhaps the longest-running criticism of some of your employer's products has more to do with the labeling issues associated with the PV kilts (the whole "Scottish Highland KILT Authentic Woven Tartan - Designed in Scotland" thing.) The PV Gold Bros. kilts I've seen for sale here in the states seem to be well made and a good value otherwise.

    Best regards,

    [B]Less talk, more monkey![/B]

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