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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghostlight View Post
    When I went home on leave the first time in my Air Force blues in '91, my mother "greeted" me by looking me up and down and saying:

    "Maybe you should have joined the Army."
    I use to tease my dad about the Air Force... Good natured fun... I would tell him I joined the Marines to restore honor to the family... We would laugh about it... He had done very well with the Air Force... He was the senior staff NCO of the YF16 YF 17 evaluation program, which was the first of the F16 and the YF17 later became a revamped aircraft and became the F18.. When I reenlisted in the Marines and went to work on C130's he would tease me with too low too slow.... LOL him being a TAC man his career.
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  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacMillan of Rathdown View Post
    When my Father was recalled for the Korean war he left home in his WWII vintage "pinks and greens" six months later he returned in the new USAF blue uniform. My Mother took one look at him and burst into tears.

    Dad asked her what was the matter, and she said, "You look like the driver of the Greyhound bus!"

    Yes, the USAF uniform probably could look better... perhaps they should have asked Cecil B. DeMille to give it a face lift when he designed the USAF Academy uniforms.
    How is this for a US Air Force uniform?

    They're actually working on a new USAF Dress Uniform....

    I think the Darth Vader element was photo shopped.
    Airman. Piper. Scholar. - Avatar: MacGregor Tartan
    “KILT, n. A costume sometimes worn by Scotchmen in America and Americans in Scotland.” - Ambrose Gwinett Bierce

  3. #23
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  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by george7 View Post
    *heavy breathing*

    "I find your lack of KILTS disturbing..."

    *heavy breathing*

  5. #25
    Colonel MacNeal is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Darth Vader Element?

    Quote Originally Posted by george7 View Post
    How is this for a US Air Force uniform?

    They're actually working on a new USAF Dress Uniform....

    I think the Darth Vader element was photo shopped.
    Hi G,

    What is the Darth Vader element? I kinow this picture was photoshopped to eliminate the white shirt showing under the waistcoat, because I'm the one who did it. I made the waistcoat longer, but I didn't change the design of it, unfortunately Sir Sean's taste in clothes is not as good as Commander Bond's.

    I've seen the new "back to the future" Air Force service dress that's in progress. It's a dog too. It's worse than the modified "McPeak". The modified "McPeak" is a little better than the old polyester blouse, but not by much.

    Cheers, ColMac

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by cajunscot View Post
    Actually, the US Army has just returned to its traditional uniform, the "Army blues", for its Class A uniform, which makes this historian's heart glad to see:
    I'm very glad to hear that. The image of my Dad in his dress blues is one that I will never, ever forget.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by YoungMan View Post
    Here's another question: I've seen drawings/paintings and whatnot of Continental Marines wearing green blouses with red trim. I know the USMC swears by the leathernecked blue blouse. Is the color I'm seeing just a fade of blue. If not, why and when did the switch take place? When exactly did Marine Corps green come in (under shirts, etc.)? I figured I'd take advantage of the historians we on had on the forum.
    The first prescribed uniform worn by the Marines, during the American Revolution, were issued green coats with white facings (lapels, cuffs and collar). One company, for an unknown reason, wore red facings. The Marines aboard John Paul Jone' ship, the Ranger, wore red coats - which allowed Jones to deceive British ships that he was also British.

    In 1797 the Marines were issued surplus Army uniforms - blue coats or jackets with red facings - previously issued to the rifle battalions of Wayne's Legion.

    In 1804, new uniform consisting of a blue coat with scarlet collar and cuffs was adapted. This was also when the button design, still worn by Marines today with only the slightest of changes, was instituted.

    Green appears again in 1833, when a grass-green coat but the green faded badly so was replaced by blue again in 1841. This is also when officers and NCOs wore a scarlet trouser stripe (several years before Chapultepec).

    For the 1841 uniform, officers wore dark blue frock coats and enlisted men light blue jackets. In 1859, both wore a long blue frock coat, trimmed with red and gold, with light blue trousers - and this is the uniform that over the years has come down to us as the modern day dress blues. In fact, if you look at the two uniforms side by you can clearly see the connection.

    Green was brought back in 1912, when a forest-green field uniform was adapted. Again, with only minor changes over the years (the high standing collar became a folded lapel collar was the biggest change), this has come down as the modern day green undress uniform.

    By the way, blouse vice coat or jacket seems to have come into use in the late 19th century - though I haven't nailed an exact date.

    This is only a quick summary of course - but if you want to know more I can suggest a few books.

    Semper Fi!
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  8. #28
    Colonel MacNeal is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Couldn't see image on work computer!

    Quote Originally Posted by Colonel MacNeal View Post
    Hi G,

    What is the Darth Vader element? I kinow this picture was photoshopped to eliminate the white shirt showing under the waistcoat, because I'm the one who did it. I made the waistcoat longer, but I didn't change the design of it, unfortunately Sir Sean's taste in clothes is not as good as Commander Bond's.

    I've seen the new "back to the future" Air Force service dress that's in progress. It's a dog too. It's worse than the modified "McPeak". The modified "McPeak" is a little better than the old polyester blouse, but not by much.

    Cheers, ColMac
    For some reason, my work computer filtered out the picture of Darth Vader. I could only see it once I got home. Maybe Darth is too sexy for the Department of Defense computer network (.mil)


  9. #29
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    Is it hard to do something different?

    I know that there is only so many ways you can go with a dress uniform, but how can the Air Force seriously make a proposal like that.

    Hmm, don't they look suspiciously similar to this Officer of Marines dress uniform?

  10. #30
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    I've always liked the army dress blues
    but for a Class B uniform you can't do better than the old Kaki uniform
    I'm an 18th century guy born into the 20th century and have been dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century.

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