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  1. #231
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    .... I could try to dig a tunnel,I suppose. Leaping over a wooden horse could be a bit tricky though, in my present state. I wonder if I could escape dressed as a guard? Hummm food for thought!

    Perhaps you could build a glider and fly off the roof. Though I do like your idea of shooting pigeons.

    My last hospital stay was only for a week but it felt much longer and I'm sure that they only allowed me to leave because I was quickly becoming a royal pain.
    Virginia Commissioner, Elliot Clan Society, USA
    Adjutant, 1745 Appin Stewart Regiment
    Scottish-American Military Society
    US Marine (1970-1999)

  2. #232
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    I fear that I will be causing mischief before long.
    It's great to see you back, sir! I have a few suggestions for the mischief, but should probably keep them to myself and encourage you to continue getting better instead.

  3. #233
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    Quote Originally Posted by JSFMACLJR View Post
    . . . don't worry about all the twits who insist they know everything!

    Best wishes,
    Don't be so hard on yourself, Sandy.

    Glad to hear you are on the road to recovery, Jock.

    Do you recall that in your weakened state you irrevocably appointed me your official spokesperson and final arbiter on all things Highland? Don't worry, I'll use my powers wisely.

    Best regards

    [B]Less talk, more monkey![/B]

  4. #234
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    There is only one problem with getting better,I find, is that the hospital gets more like a gaol! Sadly I am sentenced to at least another month behind bars! ... Sadly it is not to be and it is sooooo boring! I fear that I will be causing mischief before long.

    KILT NIGHT AT JOCKS GAOL!! We ought to be able to sneak you out as long as we bring your kit along.

  5. #235
    Dardanelles is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Looking forward to meeting you Jock, i hear you
    are a bit of a laugh.
    Get well soon.

  6. #236
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    There is only one problem with getting better,I find, is that the hospital gets more like a gaol! Sadly I am sentenced to at least another month behind bars! ... I fear that I will be causing mischief before long... I could try to dig a tunnel,I suppose. Leaping over a wooden horse could be a bit tricky though, in my present state. I wonder if I could escape dressed as a guard? Hummm food for thought!

    Note to self: must order the "Great Escape","The Wooden Horse", "Escape from Stalag Luft 17" from the library.
    Perhaps during your convalescence a better role would be Noel Coward as "Mr. Bridger" in 1969's The Italian Job. Within a month, you could be running the place!
    Whatever approach you take, get well.

  7. #237
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    As long as Nurse Ratched doesn't show up

    .....Jock should be doing fine.


  8. #238
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    Jock, we need to you to get much better much faster. Check out the national news about the town I live in. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3032619/ Scroll down to the one that is labeled "Town goes to the elk - literally" That ought to get your hunting spirit moving. All you would need is a claymore and you could pick up a nice trophy.

  9. #239
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    Thank you everyone.

    My name is Annie and I am "Jock's wife. The moderators have kindly allowed me the space to say a few words.

    As you know "Jock" has had a torrid time for the last few weeks and I am pleased to report that he is on the mend. I can confidently predict that he will not be an easy patient and who knows what mischief "Jock" will get up to!There is one more fairly major operation to go, in early July, and all being well and with a lot of time "Jock" should make a nearly full recovery.

    There are so many super people to thank,I hope to goodness I don't forget anyone, but this is just for all you good, kind, special people of X Marks the Scot.Thank you so very much on behalf of myself and my family for all those wonderful pictures(The Team Jock one is on nearly every wall and door in the hospital!), the get well messages, the pictures of those dear children and the private messages have helped us all at the sharp end cope with an awful event. It is very humbling to see that there are some eight thousand hits on the two "Get well Jock" threads, which demonstrates so well that you all wanted to keep an eye on what was going on.

    A wee story about Himself. "Jock" still lying in a coma on the ninth day has a group of medical staff clustered around his bed and one of them asked :"what happens to all the metal nuts, bolts,screws and plates if "Jock" dies and is cremated?" Before anyone could answer a voice from the bed said:"well I suppose I will become a metal ingot!"-----"Jock" was back!

    I will never forget the collective kindness of the rabble(I gather that is the correct collective noun) and I cannot thank you all enough, so let me finish by saying this. Thank you everyone at X Marks the Scot, I am proud to know you.

    Annie, aka Mrs. "Jock".

  10. #240
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    Thanks Annie For the update.
    Our prayers are with jock and his family.
    Kind wishes to you all.

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