again thank you for you kind comments folks it does a man good to read compliments like this especially on this forum i feel as if passed "the test" in some aspects with my choice in tartan, it`ll be nice when i can compare styles of kilt when my younger brother picks his up for his wedding next year as he bought his from a different supplier in Glasgow
i was also wondering should i remove the white thread on the base of the kilt I'm sure i read that its to be removed before wearing on here before
Yes remove the white thread, carefully, it is basting thread and is there to ensure the pleats stay in place. Now that you know it fits there is no need for it.
Look'n good Scott!! I have an Ancient Hunting Chisholm from Burnett's & Struth in Canada, a Modern Hunting Chisholm boxpleat from our own Matt Newsome, and a Dress Red Chisholm from Duncan Chisholm and Sons in Inverness. I love them all but I'm more partial to the Ancient Hunting tartan. You do it proud!