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  1. #21
    Join Date
    23rd August 08
    Displaced 3rd generation Californian now residing in the "old" State of Jefferson, USA
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    Congratulations on the weight loss. I don't think I can add anything to the good advice you've already received. However, I will say losing weight to improve your health is the best gift you can give to your family (and yourself.)
    [I][B]Nearly all men can stand adversity. If you really want to test a man’s character,
    Give him power.[/B][/I] - [I]Abraham Lincoln[/I]

  2. #22
    Join Date
    3rd December 07
    America's Hometown
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    I congratulate you on losing some weight.
    My physician has hounded me into trying to shed the extra five stone that appeared at age fifty-three. Most of my kilts are loose. I had figured that I was doomed to grow outward even more and sized a little up. My plan to buy size 37 has backfired as I have lost one stone from the five extra I had gained. They are loose on the inner buckle position. I have a quantity of X-Marks Tartan sitting with the Wizard, and had to ask him to move me down the list as the weight thing sorts itself out. I am down to a loose 36. A 34 Stillwater fits perfectly at present. It is nice to lose the weight, but as it has gone off the waist at a good rate, it is taking a lot longer to lose it off the hips. I was happy to see "only" fourteen stone at last weigh in, she simply said one down and four to go.

    Good luck

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