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  1. #1
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    Opinions of HeritageOfScotland.com's products/service

    Hi guys,

    I've been considering getting a "beater" kilt for everyday wear, and I've noticed that Heritage of Scotland seems to have some 16oz. PolyViscose kilts off-the-rack that seem okay, but, the website http://www.heritageofscotland.com is a bit short on details...

    Has anyone else had experience with these products or Heritage of Scotland in general? All info welcome, thanks!

  2. #2
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    You'll get mixed reviews about the Gold Brothers various "Doing Business As" operations, Heritage of Scotland being one of the common ones. I have a short history with them that keeps me from buying from them due to their response when I returned a sporran which was my very first kilt related purchase. They drug their feet for months forcing me to put in a great deal of time and effort to get my money back. I didn't appreciate it and I will never buy from them. That being said, many have had better experience with them.

    The key to dealing with them (and any retailer really) is to be an educated consumer. Know what you want and know what you are getting.

    16 oz. PV does not exist. What they are likely selling is a PV blend with some other material like acrylic. The quality of that material will not compare to the PV that most other resident kilt makers use from Marton Mills.

    Does this matter to most folks? Nope. The members here however are a bit more knowledgeable and particular about the quality of their kilts and the "open-ness and transparency" of a retailer.

    For a beater kilt it will likely do just fine but just be aware of what you are getting.

    Just my $.02 worth.

  3. #3
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    That sounds like good intelligence, thanks!

    Quote Originally Posted by cavscout View Post
    You'll get mixed reviews about the Gold Brothers various "Doing Business As" operations, Heritage of Scotland being one of the common ones. I have a short history with them that keeps me from buying from them due to their response when I returned a sporran which was my very first kilt related purchase. They drug their feet for months forcing me to put in a great deal of time and effort to get my money back. I didn't appreciate it and I will never buy from them. That being said, many have had better experience with them.

    The key to dealing with them (and any retailer really) is to be an educated consumer. Know what you want and know what you are getting.

    16 oz. PV does not exist. What they are likely selling is a PV blend with some other material like acrylic. The quality of that material will not compare to the PV that most other resident kilt makers use from Marton Mills.

    Does this matter to most folks? Nope. The members here however are a bit more knowledgeable and particular about the quality of their kilts and the "open-ness and transparency" of a retailer.

    For a beater kilt it will likely do just fine but just be aware of what you are getting.

    Just my $.02 worth.
    I *am* quite particular about what I buy, generally, and I aspire to applying this idiosyncracy to my kilt-buying as well. :-D What about these guys?
    Last edited by McMurdo; 15th June 09 at 08:08 AM. Reason: fixed code

  4. #4
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    I have done business on numerous occasions with HoS and have so far been satisfied with the results. I have three of their wool 16oz 8yd kilts which are fine, and were a reasonable price. But I am very careful what I order from them and try to stay away from the budget end stuff and the extreme high end stuff. I know the Gold Bros. parent company has some bad history for both borderline copyright infringement, as well as for just plain selling poor quality imported goods that are driving Scottish artisans out of business, thereby setting the "standard" for many goods at their "lower than previous" level of percieved quality. I see it more as pandering to the tourist trade the usual tourist crap that tourists want anyway, i.e., meeting the needs of a niche market.

    RE: the 16oz PV kilt you mention as stated above there really is no 16 oz PV fabric tartan out there so that is a myth---it is more like 11 oz, but a bit stiffer so that it kind of feels like 16 oz, but really does not act like 16 oz wool when you wear it. Looks fine. I don't have any of their off the rack PV kilts so I cannot speak to their quality, but odds are it is an off the rack standard imported budget model nearly identical to that sold by so many other vendors. My recommendation, even though I personally have none from him, is to contact Jerry at Stillwater Kilts about something comparable. Comes from this side of the pond, from a very reputable vendor who is renowned for his speed of shipping and his customer service, so that if you have any issues they will be dealt with promptly without having to deal with a transatlantic transaction with somebody 6 timezones away from you.

    Just my tuppence. (and I have been a satisfied customer).

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fit2BKilted View Post
    I *am* quite particular about what I buy, generally, and I aspire to applying this idiosyncracy to my kilt-buying as well. :-D What about these guys?
    Fit2BKilted, that site looks like Clansman Knitwear. If you do a search of XMTS on this company and read the many posts, I think you will not want to order anything from them.
    My advice for the type of kilt you seem to be looking for in the price range you're looking at would be to look at Stillwater Kilts.
    "Touch not the cat bot a glove."

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fit2BKilted View Post
    I *am* quite particular about what I buy, generally, and I aspire to applying this idiosyncracy to my kilt-buying as well. :-D What about these guys?
    I know nothing of them, but would be very reluctant to buy the kilt pictured on their website, which hangs a few inches well below the knee. The copy says it's 24'' long, but if they don't know the right length at which to wear a kilt, it would cause concern.

  7. #7
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    run as fast as you can and dont look back

    these guys have reduced the royal mile to the eastern bazzar and were recently taken to court for copyright enfringement, if your going to buy from Scotland, buy from an established Scottish company run by Scots.



  8. #8
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    Steer far away from Clansman Knitwear!!!!!!

    If you ever can't find a train wreck to look at and just want to read some scary stories, search for clansman knitwear on the forum and you will find tons of reviews. 99 out of 100 will be incredibly negative. So incredibly negative you will wonder how in the world they can still be in business.

    I'll concur with what others have already said, Stillwater is likely the best budget kilt supplier around. I own two of them. The only issue to many is the lack of tartan variety but for a knock around kilt, perhaps tartan is not so important?

    I own a HW wool from Jerry and a Standard acrylic. At the price point he sells them at you can't get a better deal from a great company. Not that there aren't less expensive kilts out there but what is the acceptable combination of Price, Quality and Speed ?

    You're miles ahead of many though by verifying your sources on the forum. So Good on Ya!

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    Thanks so much for all the advice... :-D

    This thread has been quite enlightening! Thanks to everyone who's contributed so far...

    I will certainly check out Stillwater Kilts following such a chorus of recommendation. :-D

    Cheers to you all!


  10. #10
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    I bought a HoS kilt last week. It's amazing for the price (cost only £30) and it fits well. I has to get the sides of the front sewn a little to the bottom because they stuck out too much but this is a good kilt. Will definetely do me until I get a customized one!

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