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  1. #41
    First of all I would like to point out a few things. Steve from Freedom Kilts actually saw the product and the only hearsay was by stating the price the customer told him he paid for the kilt. So I really don't see what he had to say was really all that self serving.

    Acrylic wool? I've never seen an acrylic sheep before. You must post pictures of one. Or is it that you use an acrylic & wool blend? Now I understand your statement that apparently the kilts of your father and grandfather did not last and therefore a synthetic has been your choice. However, I suspect the overall care could have impacted it because I've seen kilts that have lasted generations.

    There are still some business practices that I don't quite trust and if I were advising your customer, I would not trust either. You stated: If he were in the US, I would have paid for return shipping and used our reasonably priced local tailor to make the adjustments. But shipping anything to or from Canada is costly in customs, so I asked him to try and find a good tailor there in Canada.

    I would advice the customer to not do this and to have YOU eat the shipping and customs. After all according to you, you are acknowledging that you made all the mistakes with this incident therefore you should eat whatever costs. If he takes it to a tailor in Canada to actually attempt to fix all the problems with the kilt if anything else goes wrong in the process, I fear that he is opening himself up to the fact that you can turn around and say that it's not your problem because Canadian Tailor XYZ messed it all up.

    Not that you would do it. By having you eat the costs and everything it would make better business for you personally to prove your worth by correcting it all yourself. Furthermore the thread count was not consistent in the entire making of the kilt therefore a tailor really would not even be able to truly make it correct as the thread count should be consistent throughout the entire garment. Also from the business perspective, if you can't afford return customs and shipping to even Canada, then perhaps you should rethink international shipping in your business module.

    I've read what you wrote. As far as I am concerned the jury is still out and you can say whatever you like about the original poster being self-serving. It still doesn't excuse the fact that your company made a gigantic mistake and seems to think that a regular Canadian tailor can fix the situation.

  2. #42
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    You know after looking through the photos on the site I have to say that most look good, but there are plenty that look pretty shoddy. In the wedding section, I notice a lot of mis-sized jackets/waistcoats...

  3. #43
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    I purchased a BW from them a few months back. I paid $130 for it. I have not been disappointed with what I purchased, BUT, I went in in person and tried everything on prior to purchase. I own a TANK and know how it should fit. It is certainly not even close to my TANK, but the price was not either. I agree that it is basically a "Pub Kilt." Te shame is that there are so few great places to get the great products that are out there. In Atlanta, there are at least three phenomenal sporran makers and not a single commercial kilt shop.

    If you are ordering unseen, it is certainly best to do your homework. read the forums. I had my ordered new rather than buying a hire kilt. It was still a stock kilt that had been hemmed. (I am 5'8 and need a 21.5 inch kilt.) It is a thick Acrylic. It washed well when I hung it to dry. As I said, I got mine in person and tried it on prior to purchase. 3 trips to the store to get it right. Best vendor? NO. Complete crooks? Not for me. This man's experience is indeed sad however.
    Loyalty, Friendship, and Love....The Definition of family.

  4. #44
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    We stopped renting products to Canada because
    1) Customs cost a lot in each direction, and
    2) Sometimes customs would sometimes hold our products for days, even a week on some occasions. That's trade protectionism. We still sell to Canadians, but I believe we'll only do that from now on if they have a US address.

    We are very willing to re-weave and re-make another 2nd kilt, free-of-charge, if that will create a win-win for our customer.

    Regarding the first post, sometimes people put down cometitors with untrue hearsay to make themselves look better. It's not hard to see that in this case.

    Best Regards,
    Brad Beaton
    Owner of AtlantaKilts.com

  5. #45
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    gonna play devils avocate again.

    I wouldn't want to think of the fees for shipping 3x through customs, so I can see that point. I would assume that their email would be proof enough they would make good with the tailor in CA. Customer may have misstated all that was received and only showed the problematic pieces instead of the whole package, leading to a very inflated view of the cost. I have seen that kind of thing attibuted correctly to an unhappy customer, valueing the whole on a single piece. (ie, 400 for silverware, but one bent knife and it was a waste of 400 bucks)
    3 pts to Atl

    The OP is a professional kiltmaker, their observations are valid. The tartan was inconsistent (due to prev point, no reason to doubt) and should have been noticed in production of the kilt.
    2 pt to OP

    The customer recognized a problem, but it appears that they went to a different kiltmaker to resolve the problem. Wrong lengths should be easy fix, even the best of us mis-measure at times.
    2 pts to Neutral

    That gives a score of 3-2-2 in favor of Atlanta kilts, a very slight victory. (and in line with some reviews here.

    I don't think I would order from them, though if I was in town, I might go into their store, and I might even spend money there. I might even considered making a point to go there if I were in the area, but probably not order online. But that is my opinion. I've done business with 3 vendors here, (SWK, FC, USAK) and my next kilt will be from one of these 3. (I only have bought kilts from SWK, but I had great service when I ordered a shirt from FC and kilt hose from Rocky.)

  6. #46
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    AtlantaKilts.com makes it right.

    I have discussed re-weaving and re-making the kilt this morning with my customer, with my staff, and with my vendor(s). And you can bet I will address every issue. That has always been my attitude, in every transaction.

    Best Regards,
    Brad Beaton
    Owner AtlantaKilts.com

  7. #47
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    Any pics of the kilt in question?

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by bradpb View Post
    Regarding the first post, sometimes people put down cometitors with untrue hearsay to make themselves look better. It's not hard to see that in this case.
    Brad, I don't think that's a fair assessment of the motivations of the OP or the de facto function of this forum.

    In the first case, a lot of people here at XMTS know Steve Ashton personally, while scores of other members have gotten to know him through his posts dating back to 2004 and in doing business with him. Steve has no need to make himself look better than anyone. He simply strives to provide excellent customer service. In fact, what we know about Steve is that he would rather send a customer to a "competitor" than sell something to someone that they didn't need or want. I put that word in quotes because we know that he sees other kiltmakers as collaborators, rather than competitors. As he sees it, his market share will increase as others' do, as more people take an interest in this particular cultural niche. Referrals are good for (everyone's) business.

    What is not good for business is if people think they've been ripped off, whether rightly or wrongly. Which brings me to the second point, that XMTS functions as a clearinghouse for information about all things kilt related, including suppliers. Even if Steve had not said a word to the customer and merely serviced the customer's request, I feel he would have been almost derelict in his trust with the membership here if he had not posted his observations.

    Feedback about suppliers comes largely from the people who do business with them, not other suppliers or advertisers. It is no one's intention to put anyone out of business, but rather that people get what they pay for. There is an expectation among us that suppliers deal with us honestly. This is why perhaps one of your competitors, Stillwater Kilts, gets such high praise, even if the product is not in the same league with, say, a Tewksbury or a Kathy Lare kilt. Jerry's prices are fair, the product is as advertised, and he excels at customer service.

    Keep in mind that while Steve is an advertiser of XMTS, he is also a generous and valued, longtime member and contributor. Now that you have joined the fold here, you have the opportunity to share in that honor. Show us that you deserve it, and you will be rewarded with our praise and our business.

    Last edited by Rex_Tremende; 15th June 09 at 04:20 PM. Reason: for the excision of extraneous words
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  9. #49
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    (Panache with Mod Hat off)


    What a wonderful post

    You summed up XMTS and Steve Ashton very well

    I have done business with a number of XMTS sponsors and I am happy to send people to them with my recommendation

    But for the record, and for the reasons Rex lists above not to mention his amazing talent and innovation, Steve Ashton is MY kilt maker!


    Jamie :ootd:
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  10. #50
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    I just want to say in my limited experience on this board, I find that everyone on here gives FAIR and HONEST criticism of any vendor or supplier regardless of whether they are board sponsors, members or what have you. The plain truth as I see it is that the kilties on here are willing to patronize anyone who offers a good , quality product with excellent service. Nor are limited in promoting those who advertise on here. That is the basis for respect on this site and I appreciate it very much. Likewise, if your do not live up to expectations, your services will be brought to the attention of the others. That is a community. You look out for each other. And also, I have read the critical threads and found them to be evenly balanced towards Atlanta kilts. I see no reason to think a personal attack is being made to run them out of business.

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