Here are some pictures of a sporran I made a few months back. Although it
is truly my second one, my first one has been pulled apart for parts (and
they aren't that great of parts either).
Things I learned on this one. I wish I had bothered to look on the internet
before I did this one. This site would have saved me some heartburn.
1) Don't use heavy leather for the gusset. It makes it nearly impossible to
get everything in it you need to. I've been told that mink oil will help, and it did a bit, but not enough.
2) Glue your pieces/parts together before stitching. It helps with the
3) Make sure when you cut your front and back you have flesh to flesh or
skin to skin when you cut your second piece.
If you don't, your design will come out crooked because the
flaws end up on different sides and will not align correctly. Or at least that
was my problem. I can't draw a straight line with a CAD package and it's
been a long time since my kindergarten scissor training class.
4) Make it bigger.
5) Use better leather.
That being said, it turned out better than I expected it would.
I will soon be creating a new thread documenting the construction of my
third sporran so if you are interested, please stop by and comment with any
hints or tips as I go along.