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  1. #1
    Join Date
    3rd December 07
    America's Hometown
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    Hello and a warm Celtic from Boston, Massachusetts. For your location, you may want to speak with Rocky (USA Kilts) about the custom made kit. He has contact with some amazing kiltmakers, and the prices on his argyle kit are great. For the rentals, consilt with Matt Newsome at the Scottish Tartans Museum. Get in touch with both of them quickly so that everything will be on time and fitted well.

    Be careful when commenting about redheads, the Flame - Haired Celtic American Goddess is a regular poster on this forum, and her spouse is a Moderator......


  2. #2
    Join Date
    19th March 09
    Dallas, TX [N 32° 51.288 W 096° 45.978]
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    Wherever you decided to get your customs from, be sure to be extremely clear when your deadline is - which should probably set a reasonable time before the actual event, like a month ahead if you can. Three months sounds like plenty of time to get anything done, but just ask any of the chaps here who've had to wait longer than that for their addiction to be appeased ;)

    FM has a very good point. You're going to be stuck with a handful of stock tartans for the rentals, so you, your father, and your best man will be set quite apart from them, unless you happen to choose the same tartan. Even then yours will probably be better all around since they're going to be customs and not rentals.

    I don't think you mentioned where you live? Your locale might have a rental shop you can check out, too.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    19th March 09
    Dallas, TX [N 32° 51.288 W 096° 45.978]
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    Oh, and congratulations on your pending nuptuals


  4. #4
    Join Date
    23rd March 09
    Kamloops BC
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    Quote Originally Posted by M_A_C View Post
    I'm sorry to start a new thread with this question but it seems like I'm getting a pretty late start and my fiance is likely to stab me if I mess this up (she's a redhead). Also, it would kill me to let her down.
    Second of all, congratulations on your fiancee's upcoming marriage to a man who understands redheads!


    Fourth: red hair, white satin, and a tartan with some green in it. Killer combination.

    OK, now the first thing -- placed last because it's important and bears a bit of emphasis.

    I realize both of you are getting married, but this is HER day. You're just decoration, and a slightly muted decoration you should be. You're the setting for the stunning jewel that will be your bride, so remember that no matter how much you and Dad and yer groomsman buddies dress up, the bride needs to be a notch more dressed up than that.

    Now go out there and have fun with it!

    Dr. Charles A. Hays
    The Kilted Perfesser
    Laird in Residence, Blathering-at-the-Lectern

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    It appears you've already gotten a lot of good advice, so I will just say "congratulations"!

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    I just wanted post a quick message thanking everyone for the quick and thorough responses. I’ve made a few decisions and am going to send some email inquiries this evening. In addition, I actually ordered a few things from SWK earlier this afternoon. (not for the wedding) I just couldn’t wait to “join the club” so to speak. So again, to everyone who responded, thank you so much. I’m looking forward to visiting the forum often in the coming months.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    swk is spot on ... you should be strapping it on right about now ... no actually as it is a friday you probably wont have it til monday but still jerry is the man infact if he has a tartan you like in heavyweight or standard get the groomsmans from jerry and then youll spend about the same after jackets and sporrans and the like and they come away with a great souvenier
    Reverend Chevalier Christopher Adam Dow II KStI

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