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  1. #31
    Join Date
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    Aberdeen, Scotland
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panache View Post
    ... heilanner has seen fit to post and sidle right up to the lines of our rules without a lot of respect for members who hold different opinions than his.
    actually it seems the other way round and that the you and certain other members show no respect to those members whose views differ from the majority.

    Quote Originally Posted by DWFII View Post
    ... May I respectfully suggest that in the wake of this explanation, the offending post be deleted, the explanation left in place and the thread be left open.

    i rest my case.

    i digress. i'm as good as done here. i will remain only until Panache responds to my PM. i thought i could make a home here but it seems i was wrong. it seems you're only welcome here provided you don't disagree with the status quo. it's one thing to want a board where everyone gets along. it's another to stifle debate and free speech.

    enjoy your Love-in.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by ForresterModern View Post

    How would you feel about fur covered flat caps?

  3. #33
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    I've never had a bad reaction to anything kilt related. My worst imaginings were just that....imaginings.
    That being said, I think there are some situations where discretion might be the better part of valor. I'm not walking into some biker bar wearing a kilt!

    I may have a solution though. I have the honor of being the creator of the original sporrran made from the exotic, rare, and highly coveted white artic acrylabeast.
    It is a thing of beauty and as far as I know, no activists anywhere have ever complained. Something similar may be just the ticket for questionable venues.
    It don't mean a thing, if you aint got that swing!!
    'S Rioghal Mo Dhream - a child of the mist

  4. #34
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    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by heilanner View Post
    personally i think 'mask' sporrans are hideous and people who wear them should be embarrassed and ashamed. i wouldn't blame anyone if they decided to throw paint over someone wearing a mask sporran... or even a fur 'dress' sporran.

    In principal, I agree with some of your feelings. I recall we even had a poll for the ladies about this exact subject. The majority of the ladies said they did not care for full mask sporrans at all. I was one of them.

    However, disliking them is one thing, attacking the wearer of such a sporran, painting them as someone who should be ashamed, someone who may even deserve to have their sporran and their kilt destroyed by paint, this is another thing completely.

    Kilt wearers are generally brave people, they can be opinionated at times but that's one of the reasons I love them. Coming into this thread and expressing such an opinion, you are as above, brave and opinionated. But there is a time for that and this is not the place.

    You are not expressing "free speech," you are insulting the members of the board who share an opinion other than your own. If you had done it in a tasteful way, as others have done thousands of times here at XMarks, it would not have been an issue. But to call it shameful, to agree with the behavior of extremists is completely unwelcome here. Even though I greatly dislike those sporrans, I am glad to see you moderated. You did not behave with respect and you turned a discussion into an unwelcome political debate.

    So accuse us of a love-in, if you will, accuse us of all being sheep and agreeing with the status quo. You can believe what you want but the people here are a diverse group, we do not all share the same beliefs. When we disagree, we try and do it with respect not insults. Try it sometime.

  5. #35
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    Lady M, believe me my response was as restrained as i could make it.

  6. #36
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    Scott, I've never had anyone say anything negative about my Muskrat sporran (he's very cute, btw ; only positive, so go for it. I love the full mask sporrans, as they are appropriate with any formality of dress; day or evening.

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by heilanner View Post
    Lady M, believe me my response was as restrained as i could make it.
    This is a poor excuse for your misbehavior. A very poor excuse. When you joined the board, you agreed to leave your political agenda at the door. If you can't keep it civil and respectful like most of us are able to do then might I suggest you say nothing at all in the future. Your generalizations and your insults are unwelcome.

  8. #38
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    Have never had a problem, but I do look forward to one...

  9. #39
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    It comes down to this... We all have the right to our opposing views. Just remember to keep our civility.

  10. #40
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    Airman. Piper. Scholar. - Avatar: MacGregor Tartan
    “KILT, n. A costume sometimes worn by Scotchmen in America and Americans in Scotland.” - Ambrose Gwinett Bierce

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