I agree wholeheartedly. As a shoemaker of over 35 years, and as someone who...although not perfect...dislikes the kind of contradiction and hypocrisy that McMurdo cites in post #13 of this thread, I have opinions about the place of human beings in the larger scheme of things and what it means to be in harmony with ourselves, our natures, and the universe in general.
But when someone comes into a thread, blatantly evangelizing for a point of view that even the most stolid of us will admit is contentious, it is a provocation right there. Everything that follows gets a free pass as far as I'm concerned.
Panache called it the "tipping point." And it is. It is not that there are some who don't like fur or or that they express that opinion, or even that they tend to be a little disassociative about it (as, again, in McMurdo's example) but rather that there's always an air of condemnation for those who don't agree. That's what tips the scale...that's where the provocation is.
Because of what I do, because of who I am, because I have spent a lifetime grappling with these issues...both internally as well as with other people...I am disturbed when I read such posts and I want to rise up and dispute what I see as fundamental misapprehensions and, as you so rightly identified it--insult.
I have not, to my knowledge, done so but I applaud your forthrightness.