Well, My husband's pay was just decreased 1500 per month after taxes 
I'm scared.
And also, I want to know, what on EARTH did we do with all of that money that we won't be getting anymore?? To think I could have owned a porche.
I hope we make it.
Well, I'm sorry to hear that, Ali. In times of financial (and all sorts of) stress, I have always counted the blessings that I have and maintained an unwavering faith that it will end up OK. I have always kept my focus on a better outcome, visualizing a better future, and it has always worked out that way.
When I've worried about what will become of me, I take stock of what I've gained by what I don't have any more. Somehow it always seems that I come out the richer.
Wishing you fortitude,
At any moment you must be prepared to give up who you are today for who you could become tomorrow.
Trust in your resolve. Like you said, you don't know where the money went before. You might miss it at first, but will adjust until it rains again.
When people ask me how I am, I routinely answer, "I paid my bills again this month and I don't have cancer." Truly grateful for both, the rest is merely materialistic.
I will add you to my prayers for financial wellness as you adjust.
A proud Great-Great Grandson of the Clan MacLellan from Kirkcudbright.
"Think On!"
So sorry to hear about your difficulties, Ali. It's always scary at first, especially with children. Have faith in your inner reserves of strength. If those reserves haven't been tested before, you may be surprised at how strong you are, and how strong a family can be.
I speak from some hard experience; you will get past this and you will be stronger for it.
Also, if there are friends or family around you who can help, don't hesitate to ask. Sometimes people fail to ask for help out of a desire to not worry others and not wanting to be a burden. Don't do that.
Ask for help if you need it. Remember that each of you are strong, and stronger still together. And know you'll be okay.
hang in there
Considering 1500 dollars a month is about my entire pay, its hard to find sympathy. Good luck and just be greatful for your families health.,..
Well, Dan, for some of us the expenses may be different. Try to find the sympathy.
Just remember that this too shall pass. No more luxuries, but you and the family will still be fed and housed. And you'll be able to lecture the kids about frugality..."When you were just a baby, we had to walk, uphill, in the snow, both ways..." 
Be well,
I'm quite certain that someone as intelligent as you can quickly seperate needs from wants. Focus on what is important (family, friends.etc). You will survive and do so with poise and grace. I have faith in you, so have faith in yourself. ;)
 Originally Posted by Dan R Porter
Considering 1500 dollars a month is about my entire pay, its hard to find sympathy. Good luck and just be greatful for your families health.,..
trust me Dan, there isn't much left 
Thanks everyone for the support--we're young enough to have never gone through times like these before, but boy were we taught a lesson!
I'm actually grateful for the lesson, I will never take real estate for granted again or our income. My naivety has left and that will make us more responsible people. I just wish there was a way I could instill this in my kids without seeing them go through the same, you know?
My prayers are with you. I am in similar circumstances, although it is only 20 percent of my pay that I have lost. You will get through it.
Having been laid off twice (both during christmas) I can tell you first hand it can be rough when the money is not coming in as it used to. However, I realize how much I learned during that time.
2nd July 09, 09:55 PM
Wow Ali, i'm so sorry to read about this.
If I may, I would like to tell you a story that may help with your concerns about how to keep your kids from going through this:
When I was a kid, up until maybe age 8 or so, my parents were rich. I had a room full of toys and 'my stuff', then my brother came along, and soon there were 2 rooms full of our toys and kid's stuff.
For reasons out of my control, and of their own doing, by the time I was 14, we were broke.
It was not traumatic because it was a gradual process, and mainly, because my mother always instilled in my brother and I the love for frugality. We learned that money and 'things' are not the end all be all in life. It is nice to have it, but it is nicer to be well and be able to eat.
Long conversations with our gramps and grammas also reiterated the fact that we too often forget in this modern world of ours, that they lived happier lives with a fraction of the stuff and the money we 'need' nowadays.
I could give you another feel good line, but as you'll find out in the months to come, bottom line is, there is only so much money coming in and SO MUCH money going out.
Can't keep the iphones or fancy cell phones? thank god for the land line, cheaper and liberating to forget about the cell phone.
cable? playing with the kids, walking the dogs or simply go on daily dates to your park.
what do you mean no more pizza parties or take out? yup, cooking with your kids will do everyone good. and you'll feel great keeping everyone healthier.
So there, in short Ali, good luck and please, do not hesitate to ask for help or words when you need them.
cheers lass!
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