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  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Apple Valley, MN (Twin Cities)
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    After wearing it today I see that the stiffness is part of the design and why I paid $$ for it. I like it a lot! I guess after further review that I don't want it to feel like a mocker or original.
    A proud Great-Great Grandson of the Clan MacLellan from Kirkcudbright.

    "Think On!"

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChubRock View Post
    After wearing it today I see that the stiffness is part of the design and why I paid $$ for it.
    Mine is still like pleated plywood after several years. I figger if yer gonna bolt eight pounds of plywood to yer fanny, yer might as well get used to it.

    Wearing a nice soft shirt with it helps to keep the chafing under control. You'll bless that extra weight and stiffness in the middle of December. Going kilted in the winter winds requires a certain mindset, and the right tools.

    Dr. Charles A. Hays
    The Kilted Perfesser
    Laird in Residence, Blathering-at-the-Lectern

  3. #13
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    I have one and the short answer is... you don't! They break you.
    Last edited by Windwalker; 12th July 09 at 01:30 PM.

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    Cool Kilts are protective garmets.

    Quote Originally Posted by SteveB View Post
    BTW, if you should get hit with some nice wet mortar, and it dries, just break it up with a sledge, it will come off the kilt. Remove the kilt first and lay it out on a hard surface, before swinging the sledgehammer!
    That sounds perfectly reasonable, to me; however, I expect it's not for the o'er-modest ;-P and the faint-of-heart in the vicinity might take issue with the solution and perhaps go so far as to call the local constabulary.
    The spirit of the Declaration of Arbroath (6 April 1320) abides today, defiantly resisting any tyranny that would disarm, disperse and despoil proud people of just morals, determined to keep the means of protecting their families and way of life close at hand.

  5. #15
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    The Workmans may not break in, but they do fade! I don't know about the carmel color, but I have a brownie and the fading was quite obvious after the first wash (mild soap/cold water/gentle cycle/hung to dry). It's not a bad thing if you're aware that it's going to happen, but I think UK should add to the Workmans description, "These bad boys fade!"

    This guy has a "solution," but he later recants a bit on the brownie because ultimately it faded--but it is a way to slow down the process:

    Utilikilt Care

    Last edited by GDub; 13th July 09 at 04:40 PM. Reason: more info

  6. #16
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    Apple Valley, MN (Twin Cities)
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    Thanks to everyone for the advice on washing, and protecting the pleats. GDub that is a great link specific to that UK.
    A proud Great-Great Grandson of the Clan MacLellan from Kirkcudbright.

    "Think On!"

  7. #17
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by GDub View Post
    The Workmans may not break in, but they do fade! I don't know about the carmel color, but I have a brownie and the fading was quite obvious after the first wash (mild soap/cold water/gentle cycle/hung to dry). It's not a bad thing if you're aware that it's going to happen, but I think UK should add to the Workmans description, "These bad boys fade!"

    This guy has a "solution," but he later recants a bit on the brownie because ultimately it faded--but it is a way to slow down the process:

    Utilikilt Care

    I think it depends on the fabric/dye lot. My black workman is still very black, and the brown hasn't experienced the kind of drastic change you describe. YMMV.

    Best regards,

    [B]Less talk, more monkey![/B]

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    THE only thing that has effected my Workman (and this includes doing a roof or three while wearing it) has been battery acid: it's now missing the top/right snap because I didn't realize I had spilled said substance on myself, and somehow neutralize it. Other than that, I haven't been able to do more than fade it a very little bit...

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Monkey@Arms View Post
    I think it depends on the fabric/dye lot. My black workman is still very black, and the brown hasn't experienced the kind of drastic change you describe. YMMV.
    The problems described there sound very much like poor dying. (Either the wrong dye, too much of it, bad process, some combination.) It's not inherent in the fabric, though some colors are hard to make colorfast. and will always fade a bit.
    Last edited by vorpallemur; 1st September 09 at 07:24 AM. Reason: fixed a missing quote char

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