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  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Livingston View Post
    Sorry about that, Jock. But, wouldn't you rather travel the way Mr Dove travels when he's not hanging out with us? And after pouring the Talisker, I couldn't very well pour it back after the Dr said no, could I? And I SURE wouldn't want to waste it. Besides, I've been keeping pleanty of it handy for when I could sneak it in to you.
    Well, my last major journey was in a helicopter, its a good way to beat the traffic,I am told. Trouble is, I know nothing about it! Now why is it, that you really do not sound too sorry about drinking my whisky? Could it be that you have a couple of cases stashed for emergency medicinal purposes? I know, you just had to test a bottle to see if had not gone off. Yes that's it. My mate, Mr. Livingston, would never pull a fast one on me----------would he? No, of course not, perish the thought!

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Well, my last major journey was in a helicopter, its a good way to beat the traffic,I am told. Trouble is, I know nothing about it! Now why is it, that you really do not sound too sorry about drinking my whisky? Could it be that you have a couple of cases stashed for emergency medicinal purposes? I know, you just had to test a bottle to see if had not gone off. Yes that's it. My mate, Mr. Livingston, would never pull a fast one on me----------would he? No, of course not, perish the thought!
    That was out of the bottle that only had, I mean has just an inch or two left. Don't want it going off so I have to use it up before that happens. int: There are a few sealed bottles still sitting here. Along with the sealed ..... never mind about that one. We'll open that up when you escape.

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Livingston View Post
    That was out of the bottle that only had, I mean has just an inch or two left. Don't want it going off so I have to use it up before that happens. int: There are a few sealed bottles still sitting here. Along with the sealed ..... never mind about that one. We'll open that up when you escape.
    Oh my dear chap, I quite understand the situation, can't have such valuable liquid going to waste. What?

  4. #34
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    Hmmm... very interesting story. I wonder where this tale will lead us, and if I'll make an appearance somewhere along the line. I think I've pretty well healed up from the escape from the mine and should be good to go.
    His Exalted Highness Duke Standard the Pertinacious of Chalmondley by St Peasoup
    Member Order of the Dandelion
    Per Electum - Non consanguinitam

  5. #35
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    Commercial Break

    A resort set by the sea

    As the camera pans across the luxurious amenities of the resort and zooms in on a young, tartan-wearing couple walking along the beach, we hear the narrator speak.

    “When it’s taking the first steps in your life together, the X Spa is the place to do it.”

    The scene changes and we see the couple relaxing on the beach.

    “You can soak up the sun on our private beach.”

    The scene changes and we see the couple receiving a massages.

    “Get pampered in our extensive spa facilities.”

    The scene changes and we see the couple riding jet skis.

    “Let loose for some fun on the water.”

    The scene changes and we see the couple eating a gourmet meal.

    “Indulge yourself in our five star restaurant.”

    The scene changes and we see the couple playfully eating ice cream cones.

    “Or get a treat from our snack bar.”

    The scene changes and we see the couple dancing.

    “Dance the night away in our disco.”

    The scene changes and we see the couple sitting in a quiet candlelit area, staring into each other’s eyes lovingly.

    “Or just enjoy being with together.”

    The scene changes to show the resort again.

    “Come to the X Spa, for the beginning of your life together.”
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  6. #36
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    Scene 12

    Private Gaming Room, Le Casino de Monte-Carlo

    As we played our game, I closely watched the other players. Each had their distinctive mannerisms.

    Big John turned out to be very easy to read. Every time he held good cards, he tended to lean back and puff heartily on his cigar.

    The Countess was almost unreadable. The only thing I knew for certain was when she had truly bad cards, because she would immediately fold her hand.

    Dr. Newface was almost too easy to read. His expressions reflected his cards on almost every hand. However, he did seem to have a bit of luck, often getting a good hand.

    Every hand, Mr. Works would examine his cards closely and you could almost hear his brain calculating the odds every time a new card was turned over. And it seemed his decision to hold or fold was based completely on those odds. He never seemed to bluff.

    Maggie Sweetface was probably the best player at the table. Her expressions never seemed to reflect her hand.

    At the end of the afternoon, no one held a significant lead, although Maggie was slightly ahead, while Big John and Dr. Newface were slightly behind.

    At five, Jacques called a break for dinner, with play to be resumed at eight that evening. That would give us three hours to freshen up and have dinner.

    Each player went his or her own way as the break was called. As Ms. Starling and I made our way through the lobby of the casino I heard someone call out my name, my real name.

    “Dave,” I heard from the left. Since I was under cover, I ignored the caller.

    However, the caller was insistent. “Dave, over here!” he called again.

    Ms. Starling glanced behind us discretely. “It’s Arlen,” she whispered, “And he’s trying to catch us.”

    “Blast!” I said. “If we don’t do something he’ll blow our cover. What’s he doing here anyway?”

    “He and Diane are on vacation. They’re staying at the X Spa. That’s just down the coast.”

    I had an idea. “This way,” I said, heading toward a hallway.

    I went down the hallway which ended at a small café. Looking back, I saw that Arlen was still following and now Diane had joined him. Ms. Starling and I stepped into a small alcove containing several phones and waited for them.

    When the two started past the alcove, we reached out and pulled them in motioning for them to remain quiet.

    “Dave,” Arlen said in confusion. “What’s going on? Why didn’t you stop when I called?”

    “Because I’m on a mission!” I said forcefully, “And you’re about to blow my cover!”

    Arlen’s eyes widened in understanding. “Oh lord, I’m so sorry. We didn’t know.”

    “I understand that, but while we’re here, my name is Alexander, not David. And Ms. Starling is Priscilla, my assistant. I’m a real estate financier. We’re tracking down a lead to Ivana Rulital.”

    Arlen again looked confused. “But I thought she had already been captured.”

    I looked over at Ms. Starling and she just smiled knowingly.

    “Okay,” I said to the young couple, “This is going to take a bit of time. Let’s go in here and have some dinner. We’ll explain it all.”
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  7. #37
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    Scene 13

    Cafe, Le Casino de Monte-Carlo

    “So,” said Arlen, “What you’re saying is that it was not the real Ivana that was captured, but a duplicate. And not only is the real Ivana still on the loose, but there are four other duplicates as well?”

    “Exactly,” I answered. I had explained the situation to Arlen and Diane as we had a small dinner at the café.

    “And you’re in a high stakes poker game with the surgeon who altered their features?”

    “Right again.”

    “But I don’t understand why anyone would do that,” Diane said. “Why would all these women agree to that, to be brainwashed and all?”

    “When you wave enough money at people,” I responded, “It’s amazing what they will agree to do. Globo-Fashion certainly has enough money to do some heavy convincing. However, it’s quite likely that the ladies didn’t know about the mind alteration. I just don’t see people agreeing to that.”

    “That’s awful!” said Diane.

    “We’re not dealing with nice people, Diane.”

    “What can we do to help?” asked Arlen.

    Ms. Starling answered. “For now, we will keep you in reserve. If we need you, we’ll call on you. In the meantime, remember our cover identities. Diane, you are Alexander’s cousin. He just happened to come for the card game at the same time as your vacation. Since you were both in the same area, you decided to get together.”

    “But, except the part about being cousins, that’s really what happened,” Diane said.

    Ms. Starling smiled at that. “The simple covers are the best ones.”
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  8. #38
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    Scene 14

    Private Gaming Room, Le Casino de Monte-Carlo

    “All in,” declared Mr. Works as he pushed his chips into the pot.

    Maggie pushed her cards away, folding for the hand.

    I looked at Steven’s face. He appeared very confident. Obviously he had a decent hand and had calculated the odds.

    I looked at the cards on the table: The three of clubs, the nine of hearts, the ten of spades, the queen of spades, and the queen of hearts. So, a pair of queens were showing.

    I looked over at Steven and wondered what he had. With his two cards, he could possibly have a straight, three of a kind, or even a full house. Considering his aggressive move, he probably had at least a straight. I know he didn’t have four of a kind, because I held the queen of diamonds.

    “I’m in,” I said and pushed my chips forward. It was a calculated gamble. I had more chips that Works, but if I lost I would have the least chips of all the players.

    “I think I’ll step out of this one,” said Big John, throwing his cards in.

    The other players had already folded, so it was down to the reveal of Works and myself.

    “What do you have?” I asked.

    Steven reached for his cards and turned them over. “The jack of diamonds,” he said flipping over the first card.

    “And the king of clubs,” he said as he flipped over his second card.

    “King high straight,” he said triumphantly. “How about you?”

    I reached for my first card as if I was reluctant to show it. “The queen of diamonds,” I said as I flipped the card over.

    The smile on his face grew wide as he saw himself winning the hand.

    “And the nine of clubs,” I said as I flipped over my other card, “Full house, queens over nines.”

    Steven’s smile disappearred as he realized he had lost and was out of the game. “I lost,” he said in disbelief. “But the odds against you getting a full house are…”

    “High,” I responded. “Yes, I know, but I got it anyway. Sometimes you beat the odds.”

    He shook his head as he accepted his fate. He rose from his chair and offered his hand to me. “Well done, Alex,” he said as I shook his hand.

    “Good game, Steven,” I said in reply.

    He then shook the hands of the other players and stepped away from the table.

    “Very well,” said Jacques. “The first player has been eliminated from the game. Mr. Works, thank you for playing; you are welcome to stay and watch the rest of the game. Mr. Dove, you win the pot. Everyone, I suggest a short break as the table is straightened.”
    Last edited by davedove; 16th July 09 at 07:19 AM.
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  9. #39
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    Oooh, more exciting by the moment. And it makes me want to have another poker night.

  10. #40
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    Scene 15

    Private Gaming Room, Le Casino de Monte-Carlo

    I stood talking with Big John during the break.

    “That was a great job you did there, Alex,” he said to me. “I really wondered whether or not you would beat him.”

    I smiled at his remark. “To be honest, John, I wasn’t sure I would either. If I hadn’t, I probably would have been out of the game in short order.”

    “But you did win; that’s what’s important. It’s good having you in the game.”

    “I would have to agree with that,” said a soft voice behind me.

    I turned around and saw Maggie Sweetface there. “And it’s definitely a pleasure sitting beside you,” I said to her.

    “And I have to agree with that,” Big John said enthusiastically.

    Maggie smiled at the compliments. “John, would you mind terribly if I spoke with Alex alone?” she asked.

    John winked knowingly at me. “Miss Sweetface, I certainly will,” he said. As he walked away I noticed him heading straight for Ms. Starling, but I wasn’t worried. She could certainly take care of herself.

    “What can I do for you Maggie?” I asked.

    She smiled suggestively at me. “I thought maybe you could join me for a drink after the game tonight.”

    “Of course,” I said. “The hotel bar?”

    She shook her head and leaned up to put her face against mine. “I was thinking of champagne in my suite,” she whispered into my ear. As she said this, she pressed a slip of paper into my hand.

    She pulled back and looked at me playfully. “Well?” she asked.

    “I think I could manage that,” I said with a smile of my own.

    “Ladies and gentlemen,” Jacques said so that all could hear. “Please return to your seats so we may resume the game.”
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

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