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Thread: The Best Coffee

  1. #31
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    Grind your own?

    Okay, not to hijack this thread *but* with all this talk about coffee: when brewing your own at home do you all buy pre-ground or whole bean?

    For more than 20 years now I buy whole bean (usually French roast) & grind my own. Sometimes I break out the ol' hand grinder I used when reenacting the American Civil War /War Between the States & grind up a batch

    (My friends have called me a "coffee snob" )
    [SIZE="2"][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="DarkGreen"][B][I]T. E. ("TERRY") HOLMES[/I][/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
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  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rex_Tremende View Post
    The best coffee may have been coffee that I never tasted, but it was delicious in my imagination. When I was a kid and my parents entertained at home, my mother always made a pot of coffee in the old electric percolator. As it gurgled and sighed, it emitted the most intoxicating aroma which wafted up the stairs along with the murmurs and laughter of the guests. I sat quietly in my pajamas at the top step, drinking it all in.

    No coffee since has ever smelled as good.

    Unfortunately, that is widespread. No coffee EVER tastes as good as some of it smells. (Some of it doesn't smell good, either, but that is best left alone.)

    And I also have memories of how good it 'used' to smell. Hope that doesn't fall under the category of, "It doesn't smell as good as it used to, and it never did"

    Slainte, anyway,

  3. #33
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    I was the same with Liver and Onions. My parents would cook it on the stove in a cast iron skillet. It smelled so good, but each time I tried to taste it...YUCH! Nothing smelled so good. BTW, my parents used Tasters Choice instant coffee. My addiction started when I worked summer camps at Camp Courage in Minnesota.
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  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by BoldHighlander View Post
    Okay, not to hijack this thread *but* with all this talk about coffee: when brewing your own at home do you all buy pre-ground or whole bean?
    Whole bean! Been grinding my own for at least 30 years.

  5. #35
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    Been grinding mine for as long as I can remember. Only buy what I use in a week.

    Been using a French Press for four or five years now, totally hooked. Even thought about getting one of those vaccum extractors, and one of those little pots to make Greek/Turkish coffee.

  6. #36
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    At home I use Folger's Black silk,double strength!
    Scott D McKay

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  7. #37
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    I have heard that's not too bad! Just don't like the fact it is pre-ground. Do you guys have Harris-Teeters down there?

  8. #38
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    Plain old Columbian Supremo (usually obtained at Safeway in whole bean form), though if I'm out and about, I do like Caribou -- Like Obsidian and Mahogany best -- and can't stand Starbucks!

    Last edited by Steve53; 16th July 09 at 08:45 PM. Reason: Update Caribou likes.

  9. #39
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    Whole Bean, nothing else. Gold filter (pricey but worth every penny), when I'm not broke (temporally out of money) I know a roaster who make up a Special Blend for me (Sulawesi, Flores Madras, little Ethiopian and some fair trade Kenyan as well as a touch of Costa Rican). When I'm broke its what ever I can poach for $8.00 a pound or so, recently Sam's has had a "Patriot Blend" where 50% of the proceeds goes to the Wounded Warriors fund, and its $8.80 for 2 pounds. Only fair Coffee, but I've had lots worse.

    Best coffee in the world? Small reserve special plantation on the Leeward side of Kona, just north of the Kohalla coast, but not as far north as the Parker Ranch. Price? It doesn't matter, its that good. A cup of it, a nice Cuban and a Hawaiian sunset, now thats Paradise.ith:

  10. #40
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    Man, that sounds truly complex, complex yet still bold! Wow!

    I had a gold filter before it rolled off in a parking lot somewhere, just freaking disappeared!

    Now with the french press, I don't miss it!

    Fuentes Hemmingway Classic, give it a try!

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