26th July 09, 04:35 AM
 Originally Posted by Livingston
VERY well put, Ensign. Jock, I VERY much agree with what he has said. Set your goal to be able to go fishing, hunting and having that long walk in the hills and who knows, one day..... We are all on your team here. 
Thank you chaps for those kind words of wisdom, all saying the same thing in your own way.You are all dead right! I have had a serious talk with Annie,my sons, close family and friends(we had a wee thank you party for the hospital staff!!) and we have all (it is an all thing after all) come up with a realistic plan, baring in mind the considered opinion of the boffins. So, when I get home THIS WEEK, I am going to order a new pair of guns, 20 bores, and a couple of new fishing rods!!!!!! Whether I will ever use them is down to some very hard work from me, luck, and, most importantly of all, a huge amount of brave understanding from my loved ones. We all know the risks, there are some major ones, but we all agree that life is for living and wrapping me up in cotton wool is no life for me! My word, I am proud of my family!
Last edited by Jock Scot; 26th July 09 at 05:23 AM.
26th July 09, 05:28 AM
That's what I like to hear, Jock!
26th July 09, 07:40 AM
In the dictionary under the word perseverance you should find "a Scot". In our case it's a Jock Scot! Your an inspiration, sir.... Yes indeed.
26th July 09, 09:02 AM
Who is your gun maker?
I totally banjaxed my shoulders yonks ago, and have been shooting 20s ever since. My original Webley's (okay, not exactly world class guns) failed to report for duty following the move to the USA, and the insurance company has finally agreed to reimburse for the loss/theft. I've heard very good things about a chap called Lingard (? have I got it right) making rifles and guns up in Angus who is supposed to be first class-- I am given to understand that his round actions are as good as they come.
You may PM me if this bit of advice contravenes shop rules here on X Marks, although for the life of me I can't see how it would.
Last edited by MacMillan of Rathdown; 26th July 09 at 09:20 AM.
26th July 09, 11:59 AM
So glad to hear you've progressed enough towards recovery to be heading home this week! Hope your progress continues. Let me echo what the other chaps have been saying, that slow and steady work can exceed any medical prognostications. Cheers!
26th July 09, 01:01 PM
Home this week? Well now that's brilliant! I say where there's a will there's a way and something tells me you and your family are up to the task.
27th July 09, 04:33 AM
 Originally Posted by MacMillan of Rathdown
I totally banjaxed my shoulders yonks ago, and have been shooting 20s ever since. My original Webley's (okay, not exactly world class guns) failed to report for duty following the move to the USA, and the insurance company has finally agreed to reimburse for the loss/theft. I've heard very good things about a chap called Lingard (? have I got it right) making rifles and guns up in Angus who is supposed to be first class-- I am given to understand that his round actions are as good as they come.
You may PM me if this bit of advice contravenes shop rules here on X Marks, although for the life of me I can't see how it would.
Hello Scott, thanks for that. I am sorry that your Webley's went AWOL, I would hate that situation. I think I know about this chap Lingard, is he the fellow who has made a .243 rifle for Prince William? Perhaps we should not get too technical here, I may get a ticking off from the mods!
One of my sons, who knows the bespoke gun trade fairly well, has found me a pair of new(?) J Rigby sidelocks to have a look at. It will get things moving sooner to look at what is about and then get them fitted, rather than wait the two years plus that William Powell, my usual gun makers( and every one else too, no doubt! Even in a recession?) are quoting.
Last edited by Jock Scot; 27th July 09 at 04:44 AM.
27th July 09, 07:51 AM
Jock, it's great to hear that you are looking forward, making plans, and determined to get back to your pre-tree activities! Others have said it better than I can so I will simply echo their encouragement. You're right, living without what you love is hardly living -- be mindful, take little steps, but keep going forward and may you soon enough be posting photos that the mods will demand you remove!
Proudly Duncan [maternal], MacDonald and MacDaniel [paternal].
27th July 09, 08:24 AM
 Originally Posted by sydnie7
Jock, it's great to hear that you are looking forward, making plans, and determined to get back to your pre-tree activities! Others have said it better than I can so I will simply echo their encouragement. You're right, living without what you love is hardly living -- be mindful, take little steps, but keep going forward and may you soon enough be posting photos that the mods will demand you remove! 
Thank you all, my expectations are not high and it will be a rocky road for us all. Jock does get a wee tad impatient on occasion and I know full well that every one within the surrounding 200,000 acres will be keeping a low profile from time to time! I have got to try though, besides what else is there to do? I don't think that knitting is quite me, although, when I can get my new super dooper camera back from my sons, I do plan on getting a bit more involved with photography.Once I have found out how to turn the wretched thing on,that is!
27th July 09, 10:37 AM
I've known a number of people who have substituted a camera for a rifle, and get just as much fun out of stalking.
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