13th August 09, 08:10 AM
Another vote for saving for a wool handsewn kilt.
It will take longer but the kilt will last you a lifetime and will be all the more wonderful for the wait.
Jamie :ootd:
-See it there, a white plume
Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
Of the ultimate combustion-My panache
Edmond Rostand
13th August 09, 08:56 AM
Well it seems unanimous!!! I don't intend to buy another kilt right away...but I do have plans to own an Army Tartan kilt eventually. I was seriously considering a PV kilt as I figured that I already have a quality 16oz 8 yard kilt on downpayment in another tartan and envision that I will be wearing kilts casually (just kicking around town, out to drink, hiking, etc) more than at any formal affairs. The comments about how a quality wool kilt is multi-purpose and will be just as fitting worn with a Tshirt at a highland games as with a black tie at a formal event has me thinking that perhaps I should seriously consider the wool over the PV. I've got plenty of time to contemplate it...in truth I don't know how much use I will get out of my two current kilts as I haven't had the opportunity to wear them yet...but I hope to wear them OFTEN!! If that is the case...then I'll seriously consider the investment for the Army Tartan!
"If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." -- Thomas Paine
Scottish-American Military Society Post 1921
13th August 09, 09:17 AM
I could not help but notice where you are posting from and I assume that you may be rather active! When you return home you could well put on a fair bit of weight, be careful when you get measured up for your kilt------by the time it arrives, you could be too big for the kilt, or the kilt might be too big for you!
13th August 09, 10:07 AM
I agree with that last comment by Jock... I weighed 215 when I arrived in Beirut in 83, I left weighing about 175 but after returning Stateside I slide back to 210-220 range for a bit... I was infantry. If you gain/ loose weight, I'd wait bit to let things settle down.... Before you measure for your kilt.
“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.”
– Robert Louis Stevenson
14th August 09, 04:04 PM
I'm not arguing against quality, but Scooby will rapidly pass through my size in a couple of years never to look back. I also have no Scottish or family connection meaning that the tartans I choose may have no meaning for him when he is grown anyway. I'll probably own a tank someday, but it'll be for me alone.
If you can't be good, be entertaining!!!
14th August 09, 05:33 PM
My own experience is that I started out with a couple of casual kilts and then ordered my "good" one, hand-sewn by Kathy Lare in 16 oz wool. I thought that this would be the one just for special occasions, as you mentioned. What I discovered is that, even with 5 other kilts in the closet, it's my kilt of choice for many occasions. It fits better, it looks better, and I feel better wearing it. It also doesn't need a lot of care. Don't think that once you get your good kilt that you'll only use a few times a year.
And, I second everything that Ron said about Kathy Lare's work!
Kilt on!
15th August 09, 03:23 AM
Yeah....I'm a staff weenie now...I sit at a desk all day and send emails, make powerpoint slides, and attend meetings. That being said, I've worn 32x32 pants for the past 10+ years. I've fluctuated in levels of fitness and weight to some extent, but I typically hover between 180-195. Valid point for many though...good inputs.
The other thing that has given me food for thought, though, is Matt Newsome's thoughts on the merits of a 4-6 yard kilt over a 9 yarder....with the weight, heft, etc. I may consider going with a heavyweight quality wool but doing the box pleat thing...as that would seem to be "fitting" for an Army kilt.
"If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." -- Thomas Paine
Scottish-American Military Society Post 1921
20th August 09, 10:50 AM
You get what you pay for I say.
20th August 09, 11:11 AM
Yeah....see me, I haven't dabbled in casual kilts, i went right for 8 yard kilt in heavy wool. Mostly because it fitting higher on my torso mattered to me.....and well my friends often say I have two speeds....off or *beeping* on ..... it holds true here.
Just the same I think I will be satisfied... quality does not dissapoint.
20th August 09, 11:15 AM
Kilt advice
I am more than happy with my wool 16 oz. strome Lochcarron 5 yd. machine sewn kilt by Burnett and Struth. Certainly would consider 4-5 yd. box pleat as an alternative. Cost and weight a consideration of an 8 yd., but not the only ones. However one has to go with their own wants as to what they purchase.
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