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  1. #21
    Join Date
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    The kilt/tartan to honor your father wouldn't cause me any grief.

    But the E.G.A., Never! You earn those by being a Marine, and only in that way do you ever wear them.

    Just my opinion, nothing personal.
    I don't believe the idea is to arrive in heaven in a well preserved body! But to slide in side ways,Kilt A' Fly'n! Scream'en "Mon Wha A Ride" Kilted Santas
    4th Laird of Lochaber, Knights of St Andrew,Knight of The Double Eagle
    Clan Seton,House of Gordon,Clan Claus,Semper Fedilas

  2. #22
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by JolyStNicholas View Post
    The kilt/tartan to honor your father wouldn't cause me any grief.

    But the E.G.A., Never! You earn those by being a Marine, and only in that way do you ever wear them.

    Just my opinion, nothing personal.
    Sorry, what is 'the E.G.A.' ?



  3. #23
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    Eagle, Globe, and Anchor... The symbol of the Marine Corps... And in that reference is the EGA devices that should not be worn.... Not a t shirt or other accessories , as eluded to in a previous post.... It's due to some to claim to be Marines, when they never served. Mind you, we are a very proud bunch, because the Marines are not your average military service... We are the first to fight..even in peacetime. We have a long history, and a reputation that has always been reenforced...even with young men fighting today.. Not only am I very proud of being a Marine.. But even more proud my son is one, too.
    Last edited by dfmacliam; 14th August 09 at 11:19 AM.
    “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.”
    – Robert Louis Stevenson

  4. #24
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    E.G.A. Stands for "Eagle, Globe and Anchor" the symbol of the Marine Corps.

    I was a Marine and I love wearing my Leatherneck kilt, I was born into a family without any Scottish roots so for me this is my "Clan" Tartan. My son who is 8 also has a Leatherneck kilt. I think if you wear any Tartan, let alone the USMC Tartan, that as long as you honor it and know something about the tartan and what it represents you should wear it.


  5. #25
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    I have been reading this thread with interest and one country does things one way and another will do things another way and that I respect totally. For those in the USA that may be interested, surprise, surprise we in the UK and I think the Commonwealth too, do the ex military thing just a wee bit differently. It is just as right and respectful for us in the UK, as your way is in the USA.

    I would no more wear my father's Royal Navy tie than fly to the moon----I did not serve in the Royal Navy. Two of my sons would no more wear my regimental tie as they did not serve in the same regiment and I would not wear their respective regimental ties as I did not serve in theirs. My other son has more consideration and served in my old regiment! Now what did he do with my tie? So, for us, if you did not serve in a particular unit you do not even wear the tie, never mind some other form of unit attire, even with civilian connections such as, for example, our Royal Air Force tartan, or your US Marine Corps tartan.

    We do things a wee tad differently, but not that much.

  6. #26
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    I am in agreement with that Jock, my grandfather served in the Royal Navy, my father in the US Air Force, uncles and cousins who served Royal Army, Royal Marines, and Australian Army, not once would I consider wearing anything that represents these services.. But when it comes to the Marine tartan, it's not officially recognized by the Marine Corps. You do see that we are very adamant about the items we have earned. The Marines is the only branch of service you are not called a Marine, or allowed to wear the EGA until you graduate bootcamp, and alot are washed out before.
    If the Marines were to officially adopt the Leatherneck tartan... Only Marines and Corpsmen would wear it. (Corpsmen are Navy but serve with us in combat... They are held in high esteem by the Marines they serve with.Most wear a Marine uniform with their Navy designation)( fondly refered to as Devil Docs)
    Last edited by dfmacliam; 14th August 09 at 12:47 PM.
    “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.”
    – Robert Louis Stevenson

  7. #27
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    peacekeeper & Eric, Thank you both for the info.



  8. #28
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    Do you have to be in the British army to wear the government sett (Black Watch)?

    Tartan is tartan..

  9. #29
    Join Date
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    Here's a different thought, similar to Jock's post:
    My father served in the US Navy. I did not. Because I honor and respect his (and others') service, I will not wear the US Navy tartan, because I didn't earn it. It's a handsome tartan which I really admire, but it's one that won't be in my closet. I'd feel like an impostor in it, because I did not sacrifice 4 years of my life to the service of my country.

    If one chooses to wear a military tartan to honor someone else, then I applaud him and the one he's honoring. I'll honor military service by refraining from wearing the tartan. In the end, we're both honoring our fathers' service to something greater than themselves.

    When given a choice, most people will choose.

  10. #30
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    For the longest time I tried to track down a WW1 Machine Gun Corps cap badge as worn by my great uncle who died of his wounds just after the end of the war in a military hospital in Aberdeen. My greatest achievement, in family history terms, has been getting his name inscribed in the books of the fallen at the Scottish War Memorial chapel in Edinburgh Castle, 90 years after he died!

    After much thought, though it would be a fitting tribute, I've decided against getting one as I feel I'd be stepping on the graves of those who fought and died wearing it.

    Still, if you want to wear a badge or kilt in honour of a family member, I'd have no problem. I think it's just a personal decision.



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