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  1. #21
    Join Date
    13th September 04
    California, USA
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    Well, "Vingilothiel" is going to be stitch and glue marine plywood, epoxy-encapsulated and mostly painted. There's nothing like lots of shiny hardwood to make a boat pretty but I, too want to mostly sail rather than touch up varnish, and sister busted ribs.

    I'd never, ever build a wood cruising boat. It's just way too much work, IMHO. This is assuming that what you want to do is sail, rather than build boats. Some guys want to build boats, more than they want to sail, you know? You could buy an older 32-34 foot cruising sailboat from the 60's, get a pretty traditionally-inspired hull form, and fix it up and be sailing for a third the money and time invested, than if you built it from raw materials.

    On the other hand, there's something to be said for building your own boat.

    Swallow Boats are absolutely lovely, but they're fiberglass, though apparently they do sell kits for some of their designs. They're seriously pricey for what you get, and you have to ship them over from the UK, which adds a bundle to the price. But they sure are sweet.

    Vingilothiel is strongly influenced by both the Ness Yawl and the Swallow Boats Storm 17. That where I started, and she's going to be about 16' 8' LOA, beam just a scooch under 5 feet. Maybe I'll take screen shots of the design and post them.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    13th September 04
    California, USA
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    Quote Originally Posted by ccga3359 View Post
    Come in 3 designed lengths, 7'6", 10'2" and 13'. Wonder if the small one could work as a tender to your sail boat?
    I think it'd be a riot to have the 7' 6" trailing behind my boat for a tender. Sure, it'd work....

    have to wait until I get another "big boat" though, and that might be a long, long time.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    22nd May 08
    Vancouver on the Mighty Columbia. That's in Washington State USA for the geographically challanged.
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    I hear you

    Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.

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