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  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by BEEDEE View Post
    Ladies and Gentlemen of XMTS

    The moderators have removed two posts from this thread and edited one. The passing of Teddie Kennedy marks the end of a political dynasty in the USA. Regardless of his politics, it is appropriate to mark his passing in a respectful way.

    Posts wich bring politics in or are disrespectful in any way will be deleted or edited.

    Brian & the Mod Squad Squad
    Superior moderators moderating superbly.

  2. #32
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    The city of Boston seems to have come an absolute stand-still as the late Senator's motorcade makes a circuit of the city before his body is taken to "lie in repose" at the JFK Library.

    A fitting tribute to a true champion of the people.

  3. #33
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    He was "a man you won't see every day".

    I'm a liberal, so I mean that in a good way.

  4. #34
    macwilkin is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by O'Callaghan View Post
    He was "a man you won't see every day".

    I'm a liberal, so I mean that in a good way.
    You know, there are some of us on the other side who feel that way as well. At the end of the day, we're all Americans first.

    Mods, apologies for this post if it has crossed the line.



  5. #35
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    I had in mind this old Irish song (there are several versions):

    A Man You Don't Meet Every Day

    Oh, my name is Jock Stewart,
    I'm a canny gaun man,
    And a roving young fellow I've been.
    So be easy and free,
    When you're drinking with me,
    I'm a man you don't meet every day.

    I have acres of land,
    I have men at command,
    I have always a shilling to spare.
    So be easy and free,
    When you're drinking with me,
    I'm a man you don't meet every day.

    Oh, I took up my dog,
    And him I did shoot,
    All down in the County Kildare.
    So be easy and free,
    When you're drinking with me,
    I'm a man you don't meet every day.

    I'm a roving young blade,
    I'm a piper by trade
    And there's many the tunes I can play.
    So be easy and free,
    when you're drinking with me,
    I'm a man you don't meet every day.

    So come fill up your glasses
    With brandy and wine.
    Whatever it costs, I will pay.
    So be easy and free,
    When you're drinking with me,
    I'm a man you don't meet every day.

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