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Thread: Formal Attire

  1. #11
    macwilkin is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by O'Callaghan View Post
    Well, I'm about the only person I know that actually owns a dinner suit of my own (tuxedo if you are an American). The truth is that this is only because my wife and I once went on a one-week cruise and it never occurred to me that there would be a rental shop onboard the ship! I figured that I would have to rent one for a whole week for the one night when we would be dining at the captain's table. I'm glad I did buy one, though. You feel so smug compared with people wearing rented ones, LOL! Much as I'm sure I would in my own kilt alongside someone else in a rented kilt.

    I find very little opportunity to dress formally, so I think if I had such a formal occasion to go to I would wear what I have, which, alas, means I would not wear a kilt. Barring a Burns supper, of course, but I can't imagine being invited to one.
    Most Burns Suppers are not invitation only, at least ones sponsored by local Caledonian/St. Andrew's Society. Mind you, there are a few private ones, but they are few & far between in the USA...if you look hard enough, you should find a local one online or in the newspaper.


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    My five cents, St Nicholas: Yeah, You should really wear the tie. Just on the offhand that the beard gets tossed about a bit.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by JolyStNicholas View Post
    I have an honest question regarding formal wear! When someone like me self wears a beard, full as mine is, a formal bow tie would not be seen at all, is there any other suggested tie wear? I'm preparing my formal outfit for our Christmas gathering and I want it to be perfect and correct!
    It doesn't matter about the beard, you still wear the appropriate black/white tie. I have a friend in London who, like yourself, has a very full beard. He not only wears the correct tie, but, if circumstances so dictate, he also wears his neck badge as a baronet, none of which can be seen. Proper attire is just that-- no matter how long your beard.

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    Rodger if you remember I had a bow tie on at Celebrate Santa's formal ball. Yes you are correct that some of our beards hide the tie and with some you can't even see the tie. However if it says formal on the invitation a bow tie needs to be worn. At Leese that is the way I have aways understood it.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by O'Callaghan View Post
    Well, I'm about the only person I know that actually owns a dinner suit of my own (tuxedo if you are an American).
    I also own a tuxedo, and know several gentlemen who indeed own their own.

    Quote Originally Posted by O'Callaghan View Post
    I find very little opportunity to dress formally, so I think if I had such a formal occasion to go to I would wear what I have, which, alas, means I would not wear a kilt. Barring a Burns supper, of course, but I can't imagine being invited to one.
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    Quote Originally Posted by O'Callaghan View Post
    Well, I'm about the only person I know that actually owns a dinner suit of my own (tuxedo if you are an American).

    Here is another!

    I own one because my wife's law firm has a couple of black tie events each year.

    However, next time around I'm thinking of wearing a PC and kilt.

    I have noticed that at the few black tie events I've attended, most of the "younger" legal-beagles don't know how to wear a tux when compared to the older generations. There are exceptions of course.
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  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by O'Callaghan View Post
    Well, I'm about the only person I know that actually owns a dinner suit of my own (tuxedo if you are an American).

    I find very little opportunity to dress formally.
    This must be a USA v UK thing. I must know 20+ men, who own and wear their own dinner suits and that is without having to think very hard. Most professional men in the UK own a dinner suit.

    As to opportunity, you make your own. My wife and I go to a local restaurant once a month. Margaret is always dressed up and I am in my dinner suit. A good opportunity to bring a bit of bling and sparkle into our lives. And it pays off. We regularly receive a complimentary bottle of wine or free dessert and the level of service is far better than the other patrons are getting.

    The return is well worth the investment.



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    Thank you gentle people for all the kind advice,which I will follow to the letter. As I said "Correctness" is a priority in this decision as well as appearance! Again "Thank You All"
    I don't believe the idea is to arrive in heaven in a well preserved body! But to slide in side ways,Kilt A' Fly'n! Scream'en "Mon Wha A Ride" Kilted Santas
    4th Laird of Lochaber, Knights of St Andrew,Knight of The Double Eagle
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