I won't be going, but thought I'd post about this.

Trinity Hall in Dallas is doing their annual Music Benefit for the O'Flaherty Irish Music Retreat.

Saturday September 26, starting at 4PM.

There's an image with some of the info on this page (scroll down a little and look for the white box with dark red border):

I was sent an email that included some of the performers and times:

4 p.m. Jigsaw

5 p.m. Buckley & Moore

6 p.m. Jed Marum

7 p.m. Five Second Rule

8 p.m. Behan

9 p.m. Shift

10 p.m. The Trinity River Whalers (until closing, I believe I saw)

I'm afraid I don't have much more information. If you're curious, you might try contacting Trinity Hall for any other details.

Have fun if you go!