16th October 09, 01:15 AM
 Originally Posted by JimB
I was watching a British comedy the other day and saw a jar of Marmite on the table of the tv set. That got me thinking...hmm...I like to snack while I work and that might be a good thing to keep in the desk.
Well, I went to the local British pantry and got a jar. Brought some bread in from home and was about to enjoy some tea and a snack as I got down to work.
HOLYSMOKINGWHATTHEHECK IS this crap made of?!?!?!?

Anybody here that can stand this stuff? 
I love it!
Maybe you have to grow up with it?
Last edited by O'Callaghan; 16th October 09 at 01:25 AM.
16th October 09, 01:22 AM
 Originally Posted by auld argonian
My supermarket added an English/Irish section to its ethnic food aisle a couple of years ago. So you can now get those cans of Heinz beans and bottles of brown sauce and pim's biscuits at the Jewel. I sort of laugh up my sleeve on this one because the neighborhood is VERY Irish American and a dislike for anything remotely "English" is common among these folks...who are mostly, like, third or fourth generation but seem to have to have some kinds of kooky characteristics like this Anglo-phobe thing to make it clear that they are definitely "Irish". (They also conspicuously eschew reading the Chicago Tribune in favor of reading the Sun Times...and that's a long story!) Thus some of the interesting brands of tea fly off the shelves while a lot of the "English" stuff ends up in the shopping-cart-full-of-markdowns next to the cash registers.
Guess where all of the Marmite ended up?
That's ironic really. I'm English AND I'm about the same percentage Irish as most Irish Americans (most of our forebears all left Ireland around the middle of the 19th century). "Real" Irish might correct me, but I think you'll find that English and Irish have much more similar tastes in food and drink to eachother, than say, I dunno, either of us compared with Americans, LOL! The two countries are right next door to eachother, after all.
16th October 09, 04:18 AM
Tesco (UK superstore) has Marmite cheese for sale on their deli counter.

16th October 09, 04:23 AM
 Originally Posted by peacekeeper83
LOL next you all will be complaining about the taste of Black Pudding...
Aren't black pudding and blood sausage the same thing? I've actually had blood sausage and I did actually like it. I don't miss an oppertunity to try something new for fear of missing my next favorite food, but you guys are scaring me with this Marmite stuff!
18th October 09, 04:50 PM
Mmmmm. Fresh home baked struan bread, real butter and Marmite. Nothing finer, IMHO!
In a democracy it's your vote that counts; in feudalism, it's your Count that votes.
21st October 09, 09:01 AM
You guys are making me hungry!
Where in my little town out in the wops am I gonna find marmite? Nowhere!
--Chelsea McMurdo--
This post is a natural product made from Recycled electrons. The slight variations in spelling and grammar enhance its individual character and beauty and in no way are to be considered flaws or defects.
21st October 09, 03:20 PM
 Originally Posted by Squeaky McMurdo
You guys are making me hungry!
Where in my little town out in the wops am I gonna find marmite? Nowhere!
--Chelsea McMurdo--
Google is your friend: http://www.marmitepantry.com/Marmite.html?src=overture
In a democracy it's your vote that counts; in feudalism, it's your Count that votes.
21st October 09, 07:12 PM
 Originally Posted by ###KILTEDKIWI###
Oh no its not, Marmite is far better than Vegemite.
puts hairs on everything for you, and gives you x ray vision...
I just spit taco soup on my 1 year old who is asleep on my lap
(seriously, we need a "I just spit liquid on my computer" smiley) I missed that before.
--Chelsea McMurdo--
This post is a natural product made from Recycled electrons. The slight variations in spelling and grammar enhance its individual character and beauty and in no way are to be considered flaws or defects.
21st October 09, 07:54 PM
The Marmite Cheddar is quite tasty.. It sells out quickly at the local grocery here in Boston.
Funny thing is that Albertson's a U.K. grocer doesn't sell Marmite, or the Marmite Cheddar here. But the local company Roche Brothers has more U.K. and Irish Goods. Go figure.
21st October 09, 10:30 PM
Well i can't let this chatter go on much longer without singing the praise for Vegemite.
I grew up on the stuff, cheese and vegemite sandwiches, vegemite on toast, vegemite off a spoon, got to love eating a by product from the brewing process of one of our best beers in South Australia. Coopers beers are home grown and home brewed. Some of the yeast comes from the coopers brewery.
Have Vegemite on toast with a cold Coopers Pale ale, now that is heaven right there.
It might not be to everyones liking, but either is peanut butter and JAM......
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