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Thread: So how is this?

  1. #1
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    Question So how is this?

    Hello everyone,

    New to both the forum and kilt wearing. I (with the help of Clan Lamont) put together a full dress kit for the Navy Ball. I wanted to get your (the kilt experts) opinion it. Don't be distracted by the Boss:

    Pretty much everything but the shirt, medals and what's under it came from Sport Kilt.


  2. #2
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    Not bad, might I suggest loosing the fly plaid, to me and I'm sure some others will agree a fly plaid is just a bit over the top. As well if you can get another colour hose that would be great, the white to my eye anyway look like either you are piper or you just rented everything. When budget allows I'd steer clear of the Sport Kilt for formal events, it may be fine if you're the only one in the room wearing a kilt, however you'll stick out at a Burns Supper.

    One other small detail, I'd suspect you are wearing a clip on bow tie, now it is a little thing but if you can master a self tie bow tie that one detail helps quite a bit. I've found this video to be excellent

  3. #3
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    These comments are meant in the best of faith and I hope that I do not upset you with a few suggestions. Firstly there is no need to wear a plaid and many refrain from doing so. Secondly,I would suggest that a low cut four button waistcoat might be more appropriate for a black tie event and lastly,your hose are a wee bit short and some(me included) would not be keen on white hose. When all said and done the choice is yours. Good luck.

    A self tie bow tie would be best.

  4. #4
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    I kind of like fly plaids, but I do agree they agree they can be a bit much, so I don't wear one all the time, even when going formal.

    I agree about the hose, although others will say white is fine. I just think that there are so many colors that would work well, why stick with white.

    Of course, with a lovely lady on your arm, who cares about any of that.
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  5. #5
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    Hi Jim,

    I think you look very smart. Kilt wearing is all about individuality and your own sense of fashion. Both will change and grow as you wear the kilt more often. Do not be frightened of experimenting. If you are the only kilt wearer at a function, remember, you are then the expert.



  6. #6
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    No problems on the answers. I should asked if I didn't want them.

    I can understand the issue on the fly plaid & the white hose. I was actually reconsidering the color but dithered to long and didn't have time to get different ones in. Also wasn't sure which color to go with. Do you try and match, contrast or complement?

    As for the height of the hose, that maybe an issue. I have large, high calves. Even the tallest socks don't go very high and I have always had an issue keeping them from falling down as the widest part of the calves is so close to the knee. Even with the guarders on the flashes they were falling down.

    They tie will be something new for me. I don't think I will be at any formal events for a while so I have time to master it. There should also be time for me to get a waistcoat if you could show me a picture of what you mean by that? Where would it be appropriate for me to wear a PC jacket and vest?

    Thanks for the feedback,

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drac View Post
    No problems on the answers. I should asked if I didn't want them.

    I can understand the issue on the fly plaid & the white hose. I was actually reconsidering the color but dithered to long and didn't have time to get different ones in. Also wasn't sure which color to go with. Do you try and match, contrast or complement?

    As for the height of the hose, that maybe an issue. I have large, high calves. Even the tallest socks don't go very high and I have always had an issue keeping them from falling down as the widest part of the calves is so close to the knee. Even with the guarders on the flashes they were falling down.

    They tie will be something new for me. I don't think I will be at any formal events for a while so I have time to master it. There should also be time for me to get a waistcoat if you could show me a picture of what you mean by that? Where would it be appropriate for me to wear a PC jacket and vest?

    Thanks for the feedback,
    Regards the hose, I suggest you check out the Scottish Tartan Museum's selection of Lewis Hose... there are a number of colors that could work for you, navy, ancient blue, gray, bison might all do... and to your point about fit, they sell a "Fully Fashioned Kilt Hose" version which is for men with larger calves. The Lewis Hose are handsome, comfortable, sturdy... really excellent hose. The solid color is suitable for daywear, but can work with more formal kit as well. Here's a link: http://giftshop.scottishtartans.org/hose_lewis.htm

    It's fine to try to color match if you want, but it's not necessary. Complementary colors, or neutrals can work well., too.

    You can think of the PC as an equivalent to a tuxedo so you'd be wearing it for formal, evening (after 6 pm) events. It's too dressy for daytime, (unless it's your own wedding )

    As to the vest, a PC should be worn with a 3 button vest and while you're on the Scottish Tartan Museum site, you can check out a picture of a PC jacket with that kind of vest at this link: http://giftshop.scottishtartans.org/pc_jackets.html .


  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drac View Post
    if you could show me a picture of what you mean by that? Where would it be appropriate for me to wear a PC jacket and vest?

    Thanks for the feedback,
    If you take a look at this thread another one of the moderators and myself put together 10 looks for 1 kilt from casual to formal.


  9. #9
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    Might I suggest that if you decide to wear the fly plaid you "open it up so that it hangs wide and loose behind you, in the pic it looks very thinly folded. I agree with the others to get larger non white hose and the hand tied bow tie is best. I did see a few sport kilts at my last formal function and as has been said they stuck out badly.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    I am one of those fans of the fly plaid myself But I only have them for 3 of my 25 kilts.

    I agree that it needs to be a little wider at the back though.

    It depends on the level of formality required and can add that little extra Je ne sais crois in the right circumstances.
    [B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="1"]Reverend Earl Trefor the Sublunary of Kesslington under Ox, Venerable Lord Trefor the Unhyphenated of Much Bottom, Sir Trefor the Corpulent of Leighton in the Bucket, Viscount Mcclef the Portable of Kirkby Overblow.

    Cymru, Yr Alban, Iwerddon, Cernyw, Ynys Manau a Lydaw am byth! Yng Nghiltiau Ynghyd!
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