22nd October 09, 06:06 PM
 Originally Posted by Drac
I guess the picture makes it hard to see but I was wearing a PC & vest.
The PC is usually worn with a low-buttoning waistcoat, the kind that buttons at the same height that the PC buttons would button if the PC buttons could be buttoned. (Say that part out loud.) 
I'm a fan of fly plaids, but I agree with the previous posts here. Either wear a big 'un (approx. 40" square) or none at all.
Thank you for your service, by the way, from a son of a sailor.
When given a choice, most people will choose.
22nd October 09, 06:38 PM
You have heard a lot already, but I will put in my .02. USA Kilts (upper left banner advert.) makes absolutely awesome semi-traditional kilts made to measure (Fit YOUR build) for very reasonable money. Except in a room full of kilt experts, most will think you have the real wool deal going.
Lose the fly plaid. It works well for some pipers, and at civilian formal events, but just does not look good with the medals on display. The hose...Coloured hose are really important, as are garter ties. To take it up to top notch, a good pair of Hose of any colour, with garter ties of any colour, says top dog. There are some who worry about colour coordination, this is not at all necessary or traditional. My tartan is MacNeil of Barra, ancient in my avatar. I got rave comments at a function with red hose and yellow garter ties. I already stick out as the kilted one, so why not go all the way.
The self tie bowtie is almost a must, as it kind of states that you are accomplished at the uppercrust.
MOST important. Thank you for serving.
22nd October 09, 07:32 PM
Thanx for serving. I'm glad to hear the night went well. I too have huge calves and found that the popcorn topped hose work and fit well. There are several colors to be found at Canadian Casual Kilts and Tartanthistle.com web sites. WPG also carries khaki hose that fit big calves. And as always the Scottish Tartans Museum carries great hose. For those bigger calves get the larger garter ties from STM also. Many colors to chose from and better for your legs than those awful elastic ones. Find a color that fits your kilt now and one or two for future kilts. Welcome to Xmarks.
Kilted Flyfishing Guide
"Nothing will come of nothing, dare mighty things." Shakespeare
22nd October 09, 08:12 PM
The problem with getting advice from several people is that someone is bound to contradict someone else. For my money, there is nothing in the world that looks worse than black ( or dark blue) hose with a kilt. It reminds me of standing around in a doctor's waiting room in your shoes and U-trou. But that is just me. I would suggest you look really hard for a pair of two toned blue argyles, or spec them if you are feeling well off. Here's another tip about that tie: The nicer your shirt, the less people will notice the clipped on tie. If you find yourself in the UK, you might look for one with a removable collar- the collars go higher and are more generous all of the way around- and if you think an untied bow tie is cool, wait until she sees you with your collar half unhooked.
I, too appreciate your service. It is a lot more important than anything you wear, any time.
23rd October 09, 09:53 AM
For someone else's .02 worth, here's mine (actually maybe only .01) You mention large calves. One answer might be soccer sox. You can get them in a lot of solid colors and they should be tall enough. Not very traditional but should be available about anywhere if you need something in a hurry.
I never saw my father in any tie but a self-tied black bow. They look great. After watching him tie one countless times, I remembered it well enough to do it, even if it takes a bit of time. He could tie it with one hand while driving (country roads - no traffic) I'll never be that good but I wear one sometimes in tribute to him.
23rd October 09, 10:14 AM
Uber-Trad Comments
 Originally Posted by Drac
Hi Drac.
Most of the guys have nailed it-- but there are a few points I think worth mentioning, or expanding upon.
1) The Kilt: Nothing "wrong" or "incorrect" about wearing your present kilt with your Prince Charlie coatee. Eventually you may wish to get another kilt and when that happens I'd suggest you push out the boat and go for a traditional "8 yard, 16 ounce, all wool" kilt. But until then, sail on.
2) The Fly Plaid: Let you wife wear it as a scarf pinned to her shoulder, it will look far more elegant on her!
3) The Hose: ACBW (any colour but white) is the accepted standard in the traditionalist flotilla. Don't worry about matching, coordinating, or toning with your kilt-- this is something that just isn't worried about in Scotland. If it was me, I'd probably go with blue and white diced hose for black tie wear, or a good strong solid colour like a golden yellow or deep red which could be worn with both day and evening wear.
4) Flashes: These don't have to match anything (a former Navy officer I know wears one red and one green, like running lights). Pick a strong colour that you like, and that will stand out against your hose, and buy three pair of them. You are then set for life and don't have to worry about it!
So, how would I rate your black tie outfit? Starting with 100 points I'd deduct ten for the fly plaid and another 10 for the white socks. I'd give you 5 bonus points for correctly wearing your medals, so in my book you'd score a very gentlemanly 85 points.
A word about shirt collars: One can buy dress shirts at New & Lingwood in London, where they cost GBP 125 each, and the collars (which are detachable) cost about GBP 8 - GBP 12 each. Generally the collars are good for four wearings before they look "tired" when they come back from the hand laundry. By all means, if you want to wear wing collar shirts, then this is the way to go, albeit it is an expensive way to go.
Looking closely at your photo, I think that an evening shirt with spread collar (as on an ordinary shirt) would be more complimentary to the shape of your face as it would expose less neck and raise the tie slightly, giving you a taller and slimmer look.
Best regards,
23rd October 09, 12:20 PM
Thank you for your valor and your service.
23rd October 09, 01:03 PM
 Originally Posted by MacMillan of Rathdown
The Fly Plaid: Let you wife wear it as a scarf pinned to her shoulder, it will look far more elegant on her!
Wow - great idea!
And as I should have done in my earlier post: thank you for your service, Drac.
{Edited to add: I am one of those who does not yet know what he is talking about with respect to the proper, traditional look. In this instance, I trust the source of the idea and my reaction is based simply on my own sense of aesthetics. For propriety, please follow those who know what they are doing, not me.}
Last edited by Garry Oak; 23rd October 09 at 02:28 PM.
23rd October 09, 01:13 PM
I'm new to kilts so the one thing I will add on the outfit is... Get yourself a tie it your self bow tie. There is a difference. A big one. Real Bow ties are just cooler. And yes everyone will know you have a real one on. I wear them all the time with suits and etc. Plus your wife will love straightening it and on those nights when you do feel like it it is sexy when she removes it.
Thank you for your service. My grandfather made the landings at Okinawa and Saipan as a SeeBee and my Dad was a combat Engineer. So to the forgotten builder/warriors THANK YOU!!!!
23rd October 09, 04:33 PM
I said earlier I thought you were looking pretty good, Drac. Now, MacMillan of Rathdown makes several excellent points, but - and you'll have to trust me on this - the observation "The Hose...Don't worry about matching, coordinating, or toning with your kilt-- this is something that just isn't worried about in Scotland." isn't entirely accurate.
I live in Scotland. It worries me. If it didn't worry me, my wife would keep sending me back upstairs to get changed until the "coordinating" point had sunk in.
Enjoy every sandwich.
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