28th October 09, 06:33 PM
Utilikilt on Dancing With The Stars
I am in the middle of watching last night's DVR'd results show. The bass player of the very spicy latin band Tiempo Libre was wearing a black UK.
A kilt has already made an appearance on the UK version of DWTS, "Strictly Come Dancing," this is the first time that I can recall seeing one on the US version. Pity it wasn't on one of the dancers.
At any moment you must be prepared to give up who you are today for who you could become tomorrow.
1st November 09, 07:59 AM
Well, after watching this video, I realize that sequins don't work on kilts, and you shouldn't wear Cuban heels with kilts. Oddly enough, I noticed the Cuban heels first!
2nd November 09, 03:53 PM
I rather like it - it looks like it could easily be one of Howie's creations...except it's missing the signature pin.
[b][SIZE=2] In Soviet Russia, kilt wears you.
[/b] [/SIZE]__________________________________
Proudly affiliated: Clan Barclay International, Clan Chattan Society, The Western NC Rabble, The ([i]Really[/i]) Southern Ontario Kilt Society, The Order of the Dandelion
3rd November 09, 02:52 PM
If the whole thing was in the sequin tartan, I would like that kilt.
As it is now, it looks like someone got tired of sewing sequins. 
--Chelsea McMurdo--
This post is a natural product made from Recycled electrons. The slight variations in spelling and grammar enhance its individual character and beauty and in no way are to be considered flaws or defects.
3rd November 09, 06:44 PM
I noticed that the camera showed very few shots of the kilted gentleman. Wonder why?
When given a choice, most people will choose.
4th November 09, 06:32 PM
Being in the United Kingdom, I have not seen the appearance of the Utilikilt as described by Rex, but I saw and have revisited the recording several times of Kenny Logan's kilted performance in last year's 'Strictly Come Dancing'.
One has to remember that the celebrities dancing in this very popular programme are, in effect, putting on a theatrical performance for the benefit of us viewers. The outfits they wear are, therefore, theatrical costumes - not what they might wear on the street! Scottish Rugby player, Kenny's black and silver kilt, top and, yes, briefs worked very well in my opinion. As for the Cuban heels, well I guess they were OK, if a little odd-looking with the kilt, as he was dancing a Latin-style Paso Doble!
Virtually all of the kilts worn in the film of "Brigadoon" had gold thread woven into the 'tartan' - I've never heard a negative comment concerning that!
[Apologies, Rex! I have somewhat taken your thread off on a tangent!]
Take care,
[B][I][U]No. of Kilts[/U][/I][/B][I]:[/I] 102.[I] [B]"[U][B]Title[/B]"[/U][/B][/I]: Lord Hamish Bicknell, Laird of Lochaber / [B][U][I]Life Member:[/I][/U][/B] The Scottish Tartans Authority / [B][U][I]Life Member:[/I][/U][/B] The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society / [U][I][B]Member:[/B][/I][/U] The Ardbeg Committee / [I][B][U]My NEW Photo Album[/U]: [/B][/I][COLOR=purple]Sadly, and with great regret, it seems my extensive and comprehensive album may now have been lost forever![/COLOR]/
4th November 09, 06:51 PM
 Originally Posted by Hamish
Virtually all of the kilts worn in the film of "Brigadoon" had gold thread woven into the 'tartan' - I've never heard a negative comment concerning that!
[Apologies, Rex! I have somewhat taken your thread off on a tangent!]
No worries, Ham. There really wasn't much to say about the UK on DWTS. It was just a report.
So if we want to veer off on a tangent, it's OK by me.
I thought the beadwork on the Kenny Logan kilt was kind of lame. It's like someone tried to evoke a tartan, but had only so much time. Seeing as how the dance was the Paso, I don't really understand why they might not have attempted to do, say, some torero-inspired embroidery somewhere on the apron.
The 1999 Manhattan Financial District Tartan, which I think looks a little like the Balmoral tartan I admire, is supposed to have white yarn with "silver mixed into it giving the design a tinsel effect." I wonder if anyone ever had that made. Certainly not since the crash.
At any moment you must be prepared to give up who you are today for who you could become tomorrow.
30th November 09, 05:32 AM
First time I ever saw other than flat heels worn with a kilt, I noticed them first too. Must say I thought they looked okay.
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