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  1. #41
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    Like all things, it just needs a spark to ignite. Now that you have planted the idea in member's minds, it should only be a matter of time till the first group starts up. This could even be a good recruiting method for XMTS. Well done Alan.



  2. #42
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    Gay or straight I highly recommend Scottish country Dancing to all our members be it through the Gay Gordons of one of the branches of the RSCDS..

    SCD is very healthy exercise, you don't need a partner, is performed to great music, and best of all it looks best when you wear a kilt!

    Unlike a lot of other dancing there really isn't that sexual dynamic in it (as opposed to couple dancing like say tango).

    To those that don't do any sort of folk dancing it may seem weird at first to take hands with another gent (or lady) and turn them around. But that goes away pretty quickly. While you have a partner you are really dancing as a group and the goal of the group is to have fun and make the dance work.

    All the Scottish Country Dancers I have met have been among the very finest people I have met.

    If there is a group in your area you owe it to yourself to check them.


    Jamie :ootd:
    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

  3. #43
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    Gay Gordons

    Well said Jamie and thank you. I wholeheartedly agree that there is a lot to commend Scottish country dancing to all. And what better activity to perform whilst kilted.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by acaig View Post
    they hire a Scottish country dace band.
    I don't think I've ever heard/seen a live SCD band; that would be so cool.

    I've heard (from other Americans) that SCD is an ancestor of our Square Dancing. Some internet sites seems to confirm this.

  5. #45
    Phil is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    As Jamie says, there is no sexual dynamic in SCD and it can be enjoyed by everyone. You just have to think of the "Reel of the 51st Division" created by prisoners of war in Germany during WWII. There weren't any women about there either but that didn't stop them having a good time.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    As Jamie says, there is no sexual dynamic in SCD and it can be enjoyed by everyone. You just have to think of the "Reel of the 51st Division" created by prisoners of war in Germany during WWII. There weren't any women about there either but that didn't stop them having a good time.
    For those interested in what SCD with a group of men looks like take a look at this clip from the great movie Tunes of Glory


    It is just dancing

    This clip also illustrates the importance of removing one's pajama bottoms before enjoying SCD and keeping one's arms down while dancing!


    Jamie :ootd:

    PS: If you haven't seen it Tunes of Glory is virtually required viewing for any X Marker! A really great movie about the Scottish regiments
    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panache View Post
    Tunes of Glory
    But Lt. Col. Barrow said no hollering or raising of arms at His party!

    I've got an early paperback edition of the book with a color drawing of Jock on the cover I display at our clan tent sometimes. It's so old it was 35 cents when it was new.

  8. #48
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    SCD is such good exercise and sociable fun, I don't mind who my partner is if he/she can dance. Although American SCDers are always waffling on about flirting (unlike the Brits), for me it is total relaxation -- forget your worries, and have a good time and a good laugh with your friends.

    I think it is a pity that the Gayer dancers feel that they have to dance in separate clubs. How nice it would be if it were accepted everywhere that anyone can partner anyone, as in some contra dance clubs, so I hear.

    When I get the chance to dance with another man, I always enjoy it -- whatever the other dancers may think.


  9. #49
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    Does anyone know of an on-line source for 'How to SCD'? Maybe some kind of DVD that I can plug in and practice to. Some way of getting a bit of practice before travelling to the local group - some 40 miles each way.



  10. #50
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    Gay Gordons

    Chas, log onto scottishdance.net and click "books" where you will find reference to books, notaby Collins pocket book which gives the basic dance steps. However, SCD is not easy to learn by yourself.

    I could not find any dancing groups in your area except Norfolk and Ipswich. I assume these are too far away from you.

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