7th November 09, 08:52 PM
Getting in and out of the truck.
I hope that you all will forgive this if you find it silly or frivolous. But there is something that has bothered me about wearing a kilt since I began this journey some 4 years ago: How to embark and disembark a vehicle while kilted.
I know that some of you everyday kilt wearers must have some good advice on how to get in and out of the saddle without looking like a giant sissy.
Am I the only one with this problem?
Thank you in advance for your attention and for all of the wisdom that I know this forum can bring to bear on any issue related to the kilt.
7th November 09, 09:12 PM
I use a towel, wrapped around the kilt and held in front to get in my truck. It holds the pleats flat and I just sit on the towel while I drive. Heard about it here.
7th November 09, 09:14 PM
Personally, for vinyl/leather I just sit and scoot. You sit on the edge of the car/truck seat and slide in/back while keeping one leg on the ground until the other leg is safely in the vehicle then bring the outside leg in.
Cloth is a different matter because you can't slide as well. I always get my pleats deranged when trying to get into my truck with cloth seats.
7th November 09, 09:48 PM
I'm glad Kris asked because I have the same problem getting in and out of my truck. The towel idea sounds like just the thing. I'll give that a shot.
"Cuimhnich air na daoine bhon tanaig thu"
7th November 09, 10:03 PM
I get in the truck, then hoist my self up a little to "sweep my pleats", so they won't get over-wrinkled when I sit on them, the same way I do when sitting on a chair.
When given a choice, most people will choose.
7th November 09, 10:17 PM
 Originally Posted by piperdbh
I get in the truck, then hoist my self up a little to "sweep my pleats", so they won't get over-wrinkled when I sit on them, the same way I do when sitting on a chair.
That is pretty much the method I use when getting into my truck. I climb in, not too concerned about the lay of the kilt on the cloth seats then raise my hind end up, sweep the pleats and sit back down. Seems to work pretty well, although I'd recommend not starting the vehicle prior to this motion the first few times. A foot can get onto the gas pedal very easily and rev the engine up all the way while you are concentrating on the sweep. Not that this has happened to me of course
His Exalted Highness Duke Standard the Pertinacious of Chalmondley by St Peasoup
Member Order of the Dandelion
Per Electum - Non consanguinitam
8th November 09, 01:11 AM
I have no problems getting in and out of my truck, but I have plenty of room.. 3/4 ton four door, with leather seats. I step up on the running board and back in, making sure the pleats are flat. Slide out, when getting out...
“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.”
– Robert Louis Stevenson
8th November 09, 10:10 AM
I'm going to try the towel thing. Thanks for the input!
8th November 09, 10:24 AM
I use the towel because my seats are cloth and with my polyblend kilts if I sweep the pleats after sitting I cannot tell if they are flat. With wool kilts I don't seem to have this problem. I have a towell that matches my seats in color (grey) that I just leave in my truck all the time.
8th November 09, 03:39 PM
Youi need to get a right hand drive truck as the pleats are facing to the right and slid easily onto the seat the big problem I have is that one of my old cars has suicide doorsand it is almost impossible to get in or out without exposing what is under the kilt
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