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Thread: Bassists?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    3rd November 09
    Muscat, Sultanate of Oman
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    Musically here in Muscat, they have resident and visiting bands playing mostly rap (snore !), plus general-purpose Filipino bands. They've also got an occasional jazz club here to visit, but I would sell my grannie for a blues and R&B club (R&B = James Brown, Bo Diddley, Screaming Jay Hawkins, Howling Wolf and '60's British R&B etc etc - not Beyoncé and Sean Paul)

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    Fairborn, Ohio
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    The bass is in!

    Good to see some musicians here. BassClef I'd love to have your collection, that's a good range of different instruments. Now for the update...got my bass yesterday and I am pleasantly suprised. Rogue sends out some duds sure, but so far I have not played a bad one and the bass I bought while far from perfect(I think my ideal of perfect would be a fretless Warwick with soap-bar pickups and active electonics with a natural honey wood finish)is exactly what I wanted and sounds fabulous. I am ru--u-usty on it though. The next few weeks are gonna be hard on my hands. My official comment is that I am never going back to the 4 string though. This thing is way too much fun. Will post pics when I get them.

  3. #13
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    That sounds awful fun though...especially with a Fender Jazz, I love the sound of one. BTW...I totally dig Howlin' Wolf. Ever listen to Victor Wooten or Paco whateverhishardtorememberspanishnameis? ;-)

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    Asheville, NC
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    Quote Originally Posted by long_hand View Post
    Good to see some musicians here. BassClef I'd love to have your collection, that's a good range of different instruments. Now for the update...got my bass yesterday and I am pleasantly suprised. Rogue sends out some duds sure, but so far I have not played a bad one and the bass I bought while far from perfect(I think my ideal of perfect would be a fretless Warwick with soap-bar pickups and active electonics with a natural honey wood finish)is exactly what I wanted and sounds fabulous. I am ru--u-usty on it though. The next few weeks are gonna be hard on my hands. My official comment is that I am never going back to the 4 string though.
    I've owned a Warwick or two in the past... fabulous instruments, solidly built, with a VERY present tone in the mix. The kicker for me was the weight and the ergonomics. I just couldn't get the thing to feel right on my body. My favorite one was a Warwick Corvette fretless. It had passive electronics, which I ran through my Sadowsky preamp. Yum! But I digress...

    I too share your affinity for a good 5-string bass. While I pick up a 4-string 95% of the time, I appreciate the tighter string spacing on the neck of a good 5-string... I find it easier to play than a 4 depending on the neck/string geometry. If you ever get a chance to try a Lakland 5-er you'll be hooked. The best B-string and neck in the business!

    Here's my Lakland 'family'...

    Last edited by BassClefB; 17th November 09 at 03:37 PM.

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