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Thread: Poetry forms

  1. #1
    Join Date
    5th September 05
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    Poetry forms

    Found this web page while looking for something else...("something else" was the name "Ossian" which/who I was explaining to someone but my middle aged mind couldn't remember the actual name...sheeesh!).


    Seeing the actual forms of these poems is really enlightening for me. I immediately thought of Beloitpiper when I found these pages as I'm sure that this stuff is probably old hat to him but I thought that there are probably a lot of forum participants who would appreciate it.

    Interesting stuff.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    1st December 08
    Montgomery Alabama
    6 Post(s)
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    Poetry Forms

    I was reading the website and trying to ingest all the marvelous poetical patterns when I met with a jarring statement:

    "When the Christians invaded the British Isles they also introduced the written word and also a corruption of indigenous forms by the introduction of their foreign forms,"

    This would seem to turn Julius Caesar as well as Claudius and Little Boot into Christians; or suggest that the Romans could not read nor have a written language and that after the Roman invasion, some fire-breathing woaded Cistercians threw them out and took over.

    My my, what WILL they blame them for next.oop:
    May you find joy in the wee, ken the universe in the peculiar and capture peace in the compass of drop of dew

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