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  1. #11
    Join Date
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    dress shirt... but its a term we use around here.. for all shirts that button down... not speciffically a dress shirt..

    A polo would look good too... but dress how you feel comfortable.. as for your shirt.. I was talking about me.. I am 6'2" and 260 and those shirts never fit me quite right.. sleeves bug me.. at least with a button down.. I have some freedom in the sleeves
    “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.”
    – Robert Louis Stevenson

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    I tried one of my knit shirts just to see how it'd look. I like the style, but the color is just wrong. It's more of a crimson, where the tartan uses an ancient red (almost orange). The difference in the colors just looks odd. I think a good knit shirt or rugby shirt would be perfect, but I don't have either in a color that would look right with this tartan. The shirt I'm wearing in these pictures is a bit shorter in the torso than I'd like, but with the kilt it isn't noticeable. The look and color works for me, so I think I'll go with it. The hose may be a game time decision. I haven't quite made up my mind there.


  3. #13
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    no matter what... you will look good.. LOL.. and get many compliments
    “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.”
    – Robert Louis Stevenson

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    Elliott, I should suggest that you go with the oatmeal hose and no garters (top picture).

    Reasons why:
    The color of your hose and your shoes are matching well together.
    Garter flashes (picture #. 2) are too much dressed up (IMO) compared to your casual shoes.
    The brown hose (pics # 3 and 4) are, even if they seem to come close to the stripes in your kilt, too reddish compared to your shirt. At least in the photos. It could be that the color rendition in the pics is simply wrong. I recognized this problem with the sensors on my first DSLRs. If I was wearing a black polo shirt and a black kilt, the color of the kilt would be rendered correctly black, that of the polo shirt, however, rather brownish. Might be due to fabrics.

    Whatever your choice have a nice afternoon at the concert.



  5. #15
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    I just wanted to say that I wore the oatmeal hose (no flashes). My seat was on the floor level, on the very first row of the section, so there was a lot of traffic directly in front of me. Needless to say, I got lots of second glances while sitting there waiting for the show to start. No comments one way or the other, though, until a few minutes before show time. One of the female ushers (usherette?) walked by me, stopped and backed up. She leaned over and said "I love your outfit." I smiled and thanked her and she went on her way. The concert was outstanding as always. Glad I was kilted.


  6. #16
    Join Date
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    Happy to hear you had a good time. I got the same reaction at the Dayton TSO show earlier in November. Had good conversation with the lady sitting next to me. That may not have occurred if it was not for the kilt starting the conversation.


  7. #17
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    Rockin' the kilt at TSO

    Sorry to come in on this after the fact, but...

    I've not been to a TSO show but have several albums, AND a couple from Savatage. Didn't know of the connection. Not surprising, really.

    *If* I was going, black jump boots and black leather jacket would accompany my USA Kilts Scottish National pv,a black collared shirt with red flame embroidery up both sides, guyabera(sp?)-style, and an enormous stainless skull-with-flames buckle I picked up at the Angola Prison Rodeo craft show this year.

    If there's gonna be rockin', I want IN!
    Find power in peace,


  8. #18
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nighthawk View Post
    I first saw TSO back when they were still called Savatage, and I would say that a casual look is deffinately appropriate. Keep in mind that they are a metal band, after all- at least, the Savatage part! (On a side note, as a fan of these guys since Hall Of The Mountain King, I still haven't gotten used to seeing them in tuxedos!)

    Holy smokes! Someone else besides me remembers Savatage! How old are you anyway?

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