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  1. #21
    Join Date
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    I've thought about how a sporran cantle made from a carved elk antler might be cool...executing this is another matter though.
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  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidlpope View Post
    Let's please keep this discourse civil and avoid such remarks. When comparisons to totalitarian regimes enter a discussion, discourse seems to go quickly downhill.


    Please dear sir, accept my humble apology as I did not mean to offend YOU in THAT post. However, I should note that I have re-read THAT post several times and find neither the word totalitarian, or regime, and so with all due respect I can do little but join you in not knowing what you are talking about.

  3. #23
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    Hey Squeaky,

    I just checked. HORN can be heated and bent, but ANTLER can't. I believe most antler is also hollow, so you'd have to find the curve you wanted and then be really careful about not cutting too deep. Still, I'll bet it would make a pretty cantle... Make one and show us. Soon, please.
    Some take the high road and some take the low road. Who's in the gutter? MacLowlife

  4. #24
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    Will the bone yellow and darken with age? Is there some sort of clar hardening agent to protect the color and keep the badge from damage?

  5. #25
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    Placing the Willowdale Hand Car Back On The Tracks

    Quote Originally Posted by MacLowlife View Post
    edward gorey ( skulls with calligraphy) ? oops, derailing again. My turn to be quiet.
    You were thinking of Ogdred Weary's The Calligraphed Cranium. A common error.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacLowlife View Post
    Hey Squeaky,

    I just checked. HORN can be heated and bent, but ANTLER can't. I believe most antler is also hollow, so you'd have to find the curve you wanted and then be really careful about not cutting too deep. Still, I'll bet it would make a pretty cantle... Make one and show us. Soon, please.
    Nope, antler is solid and elk antler is very thick. Most of the tines have a very nice natural curve.

    I have a ton of elk antlers in the garage and have been contemplating uses for them for a while.....one can only make so many buttons!

    But I lack the tools and skills to do a cantle, and I have a 1 year old constantly underfoot.

    So if anyone with the skills and know how wants to attempt a cantle and aquire some antler to play with in exchange...well, here I am.

    I'm not very fond of the MacPherson Clan badge but maybe I'll make a badge of some sort of my own out of the crown of an antler...that would be cool!

    --Chelsea McMurdo--
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  7. #27
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    See, wrong twice in one thread.
    Some take the high road and some take the low road. Who's in the gutter? MacLowlife

  8. #28
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    I guess it's just that you start considering what else could be made along with the cap badge... sgian dubh handles etc. It's probably all already been done.
    I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
    Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…

  9. #29
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    The problems people are mentioning above are due to bone is not a stable material. Something that can help with the problems of bone is a process called stabilization. I have it done to the woods, ivory and bone I use on my knives. It is a process where the material is suspended in a polymer solution and alternatively exposed to vacuum and high pressure. This forces/draws in the polymer. While it doesn't make it completely stable it will make it as close as you can come. It will be water proof, pretty much shick and crack proof, help prevent chipping and will slow the aging process of coloring and drying out.

    One issue you might find an issue with is finding a large enough piece of bone to execute the design in. Most animal bones just don't have a large area before you get into the pith in the center. One bone that comes to mind that may help is giraffe bone. Another advantage is that it almost always comes stabilized if you get it from a reputable dealer. Bad side is that it is expensive and you'll have a hard time finding it natural. Most of the time it comes dyed and dyed in some of the loudest colors you will ever see. Good side is it could very well outlast you and it is easy to work and polishes like glass easily.

    Here is set piece that is 3.8" x 2.8" x .4" that will set you back $70 -

    If you want to try any of the synthetic materials PM me as I have worked with most in my time and know the advantages/disadvantages of most. Most can be a little hazardous to work with without proper precautions and one older one (unlikely you would run across any) actually contains asbestos.


  10. #30
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    In 1942 my mother was given an RAF cap badge carved from the shell of a coconut. She used to wear it on an RAF blue/grey ribbon as a brooch.



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