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View Poll Results: How many people do you know who suffer from the tragedy of KMM

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  • none, what are you nutz?

    3 15.00%
  • 1, myself.... please tell me there is hope for a cure

    3 15.00%
  • 2 and we are both happy as clams go away

    0 0%
  • I am surrounded by them and speaking from a safe phone, please send help

    5 25.00%
  • hey dude, ya know where I can score some Strome (Henderson muted please)

    5 25.00%
  • this is all I have, how many yards will this buy?

    4 20.00%
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  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lachlan09 View Post
    Does anyone on the site make their own trousers (pants) ?
    I have made my own cargo shorts in the past.
    If you can't be good, be entertaining!!!

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by ForresterModern View Post
    From a doctor's point of view manics are usually folks who sleep little or not at all, get tremendous amounts of work accomplished yet never feel tired, love doing favors for folks, and generally manage money poorly.

    If you count yourself as a kilt-making-manic please contact me as soon as possible to discuss having you make a few kilts for me at ridiculously low prices becasue, hey, I really want to be your friend. PM me for the list of tartans I am interested in and with your ridiculously low charge for doing so, as well as your expected turnaround (I am thinking a couple weeks maybe. ;)

    There is a name for this: "Co-dependency Syndrome" check the DSMIV
    May you find joy in the wee, ken the universe in the peculiar and capture peace in the compass of drop of dew

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by WClarkB View Post
    There is a name for this: "Co-dependency Syndrome" check the DSMIV
    Actually I would probably be better known as an "enabler", or in some circles a scumbag for taking advantage of the poor kit-making-manic. But hey, if it gets ame a few kilts quick and cheap what the heck.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by ForresterModern View Post
    Actually I would probably be better known as an "enabler", or in some circles a scumbag for taking advantage of the poor kit-making-manic. But hey, if it gets ame a few kilts quick and cheap what the heck.
    ahh I see you have scuples that are soluable in kilt
    May you find joy in the wee, ken the universe in the peculiar and capture peace in the compass of drop of dew

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by ForresterModern View Post
    Actually I would probably be better known as an "enabler", or in some circles a scumbag for taking advantage of the poor kit-making-manic. But hey, if it gets ame a few kilts quick and cheap what the heck.
    ahh I see you have scruples that are soluable in kilt
    May you find joy in the wee, ken the universe in the peculiar and capture peace in the compass of drop of dew

  6. #16
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    So I have just bought 20 metres of fabric to make at least 4 kilts and there are lots that still need sewing or dismantling for adjustment, but I could stop anytime - any time at all - just like that - really I could.

    Any time at all - willpower, you see, thats the thing - and if you could you don't have to because you - could - just - stop

    any time at all.

    Anne the Pleater :ootd:

  7. #17
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    I got it bad. Just finished one last night..... by 6 am I am already threading the sewing machine and pulling out material from my tartan stash.

    Is it a bad sign that I am getting worried that I only have enough material to make another 5 kilts?

  8. #18
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    (scribbling manically, adding a new dimension to the rapidly expanding description of the malady)

    obviously TOLERANCE is a symptom of an addiction, it takes more and more of the addictive material to prompt satiety. I wonder if it is linear feet, area or weight of materila which is the determining factor. SSRI's might be a help?

    dr walt
    May you find joy in the wee, ken the universe in the peculiar and capture peace in the compass of drop of dew

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by WClarkB View Post
    (scribbling manically, adding a new dimension to the rapidly expanding description of the malady)

    obviously TOLERANCE is a symptom of an addiction, it takes more and more of the addictive material to prompt satiety. I wonder if it is linear feet, area or weight of materila which is the determining factor. SSRI's might be a help?

    dr walt
    Hold on now Walt. No treatment offered until I get at least a couple kilts out of this. Remember, they actually are feeling pretty good in this manic state, and as long as it isn't hurting anybody, let it ride.

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by ForresterModern View Post
    Hold on now Walt. No treatment offered until I get at least a couple kilts out of this. Remember, they actually are feeling pretty good in this manic state, and as long as it isn't hurting anybody, let it ride.
    Primum, non nocere

    May you find joy in the wee, ken the universe in the peculiar and capture peace in the compass of drop of dew

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