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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    What kind of Jacket/Waistcoat needed?


    My wife has won the state-wide award for Educational Support Professionals. She will be presented at the state level as well as the national level later this winter. I need to be the arm-candy or trophy husband, if you will. She has encouraged me to go kilted to the ceremonies. They are not formal, nor even considered semi, but a suit would be expected I'm sure.

    That means I need more stuff :-)

    I have the imperial black wingtips, the buffalo sporran, proper hose, MacLellan ancient tank and MacLellan flashes. I am saving pennies for scarlet flashes at the moment.

    My questions is, can I get by with a dress shirt with red tie or MacLellan tie, or do I need a nice waist coat and jacket. Can I look as good with just a waistcoat and tie?

    Or is this the look I need?

    BYW, here is the kilt...
    A proud Great-Great Grandson of the Clan MacLellan from Kirkcudbright.

    "Think On!"

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Well I don't know what sort of weather you have at that time of year,but if you consider a suit would be appropriate for the occasion then a tweed kilt jacket(if warm) really ought to be worn and a waistcoat too if it is going to be on the cool side. A waistcoat on its own,in my view, would be just that bit too casual. Don't forget that a tweed kilt jacket is roughly equivalent to a suit.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I agree with Jock, you should wear a kilt jacket either Crail, Braemar, or similar style with or without a vest (preferably matching). Go with a plain tie or bow tie, don't want too much tartan. You can even put plain flashes on instead of the tartan flashes.
    Wallace Catanach, Kiltmaker

    A day without killting is like a day without sunshine.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    A jacket and tie will be your suit equivelent.. but you wear what you have and dress it the best you can, if you are unable to get a jacket.
    “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.”
    – Robert Louis Stevenson

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I would definately invest in an Argyll/Crail/Braemar style jacket.

    They're amazingly versatile. I've seen them worn with a black crewneck shirt for a Hollywood-like semi-casual look, a turtleneck, with an oxford button-down shirt both with and without tie, with dress shirt and long necktie to match in with men in suits, with Churchill collar shirt and black bowtie to match in with men in tuxedos.

    They can be dressed up with shoulder plaid as seen in my avatar (though technically speaking such a plaid should be worn with one of the more formal Highland jacket styles).

    Anyhow, with an Argyll jacket you'll be perfect for any of the appearances you'll be making with your wonderful wife! Congratulations to you all!

    PS black kilt hose are becoming quite the fashion recently and will give a nice dignified formal look. I would avoid cream/offwhite kilt hose myself.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by OC Richard View Post
    PS black kilt hose are becoming quite the fashion recently and will give a nice dignified formal look. I would avoid cream/offwhite kilt hose myself.
    And I would stay away from black hose, as well. IMHO they just don't look "right" with the kilt. There are many nice colours you can choose from. What's "fashion" today will be old news in no time. Stick with the classics.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by JSFMACLJR View Post
    And I would stay away from black hose, as well. IMHO they just don't look "right" with the kilt. There are many nice colours you can choose from. What's "fashion" today will be old news in no time. Stick with the classics.
    On the one hand, I agree. But on the other, black matches everything! So I don't see it going out of fashion any time soon. So onto the question... I would think that you should go with what Jock says- Jock is good, Jock is wise. I defer to him in all things traditional.
    "Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nighthawk View Post
    On the one hand, I agree. But on the other, black matches everything! So I don't see it going out of fashion any time soon. So onto the question... I would think that you should go with what Jock says- Jock is good, Jock is wise. I defer to him in all things traditional.
    Gosh! Steady on!

  9. #9
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    Most definitely procure a tweed waistcoat and jacket if at all possible. They really do look quite smart and you will enjoy wearing them out and about, not just for functions.

    Both USA Kilts and The Scottish Tartan Museum have a fine selection of tweeds. I have a Braemer jacket and a waistcoat in the Hunter Loch from USA Kilts. Love to wear them as much as possible.


  10. #10
    Join Date
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    First, congratulations to your wife. If you don't have one ( which I think we can see you don't) a black or dark blue argyll is an excellent jacket to have, particularly if you are only going to have one. The world is filled with navy coats that can be cut down- this is likely to be the cheapest way to go. If your budget runs a little bigger and you don't HAVE to make one jacket do everything, a charcoal tweed would really look good with your tartan.

    My guess is this size 40 S will be too small, but it's a great price:


    Let us know.
    Some take the high road and some take the low road. Who's in the gutter? MacLowlife

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