May be I should I should make/order myself an Autobot Sporran, since I have Trixie, the Autobot motorcycle. It is a good thing that you didn't reveal yourself as a Decepticon supporter while in Victoria.
LOL while I'm always on the side of good I have to admit that the Decepticons have a far cooler looking emblem. We had it drawn on the side of our tank when I was overseas.
I've been a huge Transformers freak since the mid 1980's. I carry an Autobot lunchbox to work every day and have a big red Autobot symbol on the hood of my car. I want one of those sporrans! That's brilliant!!
"Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.
I'd make some to sell but I'm a little worried on copy-right infringement. I'd hate to have someone knocking on my door one day saying I owe royalties! LOL
That being said if you want to p.m. me I'm sure we can work something out.