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  1. #11
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    Winston's is the choice in the Chicago area. Their web site isn't much - doesn't look like you can order online - but I can recommend their haggis. Meat pies are great also!


  2. #12
    BEEDEE's Avatar
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    You can always put the canned haggis in on oven roasting bag to reheat. Use a cable tie to close and shape as an upside down basin.


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  3. #13
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    Scottish Haggis

    Quote Originally Posted by scotchmaster View Post
    Hey All, I am looking for a Haggis Purveyor for Burns Night? I am in Massachusetts just outside the City of Boston, but if someone ships that would work. I am coordinating a Burns Night Supper for my Whisky Club. We are expecting between 30 and 60 people. I would rather not used tinned and I have started a new job and making it myself would be to much of a project. So that being said I need a little help. If you now of a decent purveyor can you please PM me... Thanks in advance for your help.
    I am assuming you are having your Burns Night Supper on Monday 25th January. I am arriving in Boston on that day to stay for two nights. I leave from Edinburgh, Scotland this Sunday 17th January. If you would like I can certainly help to supply a genuine, top quality haggis direct from Scotland. If I can be of assistance please do not hesitate to ask. Dougie James [Galashiels]

  4. #14
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    Thanks for the offer but I have secured a purveyor who is billed as the McSween's of the US? We will see... Our dinner is on the 27th just outside of Boston. If you want to attend call and make a reservation and I'll help with your transportation to the the Dinner.



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