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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Ok, so we're in Wa;mart...

    Ok, so we're in Walmart (my wife and I) and she has forgotten to pick up some hair conditioner. She leaves me by the basket and runs to fetch it. Now for those of you who don't know I have light and color perception only (I use a cane or guide dog to get around). When my wife returns she sees an old lady look at me from a very short distance away and sneer broadly when she sees me in my kilt (an 8yd MacNeil). My better half is still a little too far away to say anything to this lady. but is a bit put off by the atitude.

    I've been wearing the kilt full time for quite awhile and I'm used to the teasing and occasional rude remark they don't bother me. My Wife is accepting and happy with the kilt and she's the one who counts.

    Maybe I'm being too sensitive here, but it bothers me that the lady did something overt enough that my wife could see it some distance away, knowing that I could not see her, nor reply to her disdain. My dear wife's comments about this form of cowardice were choice and not repeatable here. LOL!


    May all your blessings be the ones you want and your friends many and true.

  2. #2
    I had a similar experience not too long ago when a women gave me a strange look and shook her head asshe walked by. I attempted to ask her why she had the thought she did but she couldn't ( or wouldn't ? ) speak English. I've come to accept that there are many cultures out there that don't know what a kilt is, let along why a man would wear one.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    23rd August 09
    Lille, Nord, France
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    Quote Originally Posted by kiltedwolfman View Post
    I had a similar experience not too long ago when a women gave me a strange look and shook her head asshe walked by. I attempted to ask her why she had the thought she did but she couldn't ( or wouldn't ? ) speak English. I've come to accept that there are many cultures out there that don't know what a kilt is, let along why a man would wear one.
    Also here in Edmonton I've run into a woman who, seeing me in my kilt, started yelling loudly and angrily at me in a language I did not recognize; I shrugged and walked on, but she was still yelling and gesticulating in my direction for a while. It happened again to me a week later when I was not kilted, walking with my daughter: the same woman saw me, did a double-take, looked at my pants, and started yelling and gesticulating again. My daughter just said, deadpan, "I think she likes you," and we kept walking; this time I didn't look around, but we could still hear her yelling for the next half-block.

    "Then help me for to kilt my clais..." Schir David Lindsay, Ane Satyre of the Thrie Estaitis

  4. #4
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    Life is too short to care about the opinions of the extras.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Yes, there are ignorant and cowards in the world. But for every small minded comment or action, I find more than 10 positive comments/actions that offset it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    what a shame I'm sorry to hear it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    In the Native American way, we are taught to overlook the actions of the elderly, because they are going back to their childhood... I would not worry about their actions... Now if a person of a reasonable age, acted out.. I probably would take exception to it..
    “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.”
    – Robert Louis Stevenson

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Never mind the Auld hag, I bet if you're wife had of confronted her, the Auld biddy would have taken a heart attack. There's always going to be ignorant people in the world, sad really because an older person should have had years to learn of the world and it's cultures and customs.
    Keep up the Kilting and thanks for sharing your experience.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Awright! EVERYBODY...stay the hell out of Walmart....no good can come of going to Walmart!



  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by NewGuise View Post
    Also here in Edmonton I've run into a woman who, seeing me in my kilt, started yelling loudly and angrily at me in a language I did not recognize; I shrugged and walked on, but she was still yelling and gesticulating in my direction for a while. It happened again to me a week later when I was not kilted, walking with my daughter: the same woman saw me, did a double-take, looked at my pants, and started yelling and gesticulating again. My daughter just said, deadpan, "I think she likes you," and we kept walking; this time I didn't look around, but we could still hear her yelling for the next half-block.
    Sounds to me like she has a psychological problem. I feel sad for her.

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