16th January 10, 03:03 AM
Did you see who some actors etc with Scottish backgrounds are ? According to Wiki, people like John Wayne, Jay Leno, Reece Witherspoon and Ray Liotta have some Scottish ancestry, even Hilary Duff (I guess the surname’s a give-away, unless it's short for Duffinski).
16th January 10, 07:18 AM
 Originally Posted by Lachlan09
Did you see who some actors etc with Scottish backgrounds are ? According to Wiki, people like John Wayne, Jay Leno, Reece Witherspoon and Ray Liotta have some Scottish ancestry, even Hilary Duff (I guess the surname’s a give-away, unless it's short for Duffinski). 
John Wayne, whose real name was Marion Morrison, was of Scots-Irish ancestry & was born in Winterset, Iowa, which is also famous for the bridges of Madison County.
Winterset is just off of I-35, about an hour south of Des Moines.
16th January 10, 08:03 AM
I have Witherspoon ancestors and know that they came to what is now Williamsburg County South Carolina, early enough to be the foundation stock for many, if not most Witherspoons in North America. I don't imagine that makes me and Reece too close to date, should the occasion or opportunity arise. The Witherspoons claimed descent from John Knox and, by extension, Robert the Bruce.
Hoots, where's me topic?
Some take the high road and some take the low road. Who's in the gutter? MacLowlife
16th January 10, 11:06 PM
It reminds me of a corny story which happened when I worked in London. England’s own Frank Bruno was due to challenge Tim Witherspoon for his title and a Londoner friend brought up the subject.
Friend “Tonight Frank Bruno’s going to fight Tim …errr ………..”
Me “Witherspoon ?”
Friend “ no – with his fists ! Ho Ho ”
17th January 10, 12:15 AM
Hope this comment isn't too far of of the mark of this thread but; Brad Pitt in the movie Snatch? I don't think it's really an accent that I know of. Sort of something made up I think but I could be wrong.
[FONT="Times New Roman"][SIZE="2"][FONT="Times New Roman"]Jason
Here's to a long life and a merry one, A quick death and an easy one,
A pretty girl and an honest one, A cold beer and another one.[/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
17th January 10, 03:44 AM
 Originally Posted by Arlen
What about Maggie Smith? She does a wonderful Scottish accent (Both Working class and otherwise in spite of her Posh Englishness?
Wow, just looked her up now, I assumed she was Scottish!
She's brilliant!
17th January 10, 03:54 AM
Speaking of non-Scots accents...
Sir Anthony Hopkins as Burt Munro in the World's Fastest Indian. I don't know how much experience people have with a Kiwi accent (since moving to Holland I've come to realise how quite peculiar it is!) but Sir Anthony's Kiwi accent was nothing short of spectacular.
As I was listening in the beginning, I was thinking how great it was, only that he had a bit of Southland "r" (the rest of us don't do it), of course watching further, I realised the film was based in Invercargill (Southland), brilliant! He had a better Southlander accent than most of the rest of the (Kiwi) actors. Not only that, but he somehow managed to capture the old Kiwi accent, the one our grandparents used (before we had so much American TV).
I wonder how many hours he spent listening to old recordings of old New Zealanders prattle on...
17th January 10, 09:01 AM
What about Emma Thompson's great Scots accent in John Byrne's BBC series, Tutti Fruitti? Emma's mum is, of course, Scottish and she has stayed in Scotland.
As a tutorial for Scottish accents and patter: Glasgow, West Coast and North East-Doric, this mini series is unsurpassed IMHO. It includes a few kilts as well!
It's coming yet for a' that,
That Man to Man, the world o'er,
Shall brothers be for a' that. - RB
18th January 10, 02:50 AM
Was that the series with Robbie Coltrane ?
19th January 10, 04:47 PM
That's the one... and Richard Willson.
It's coming yet for a' that,
That Man to Man, the world o'er,
Shall brothers be for a' that. - RB
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