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Thread: Sporran options

  1. #11
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    I think that fur can always be made to fit the outfit. It goes up, and it goes down. (Or you could match your shirt to the sporran, or tie, or sweater. Hope this helps.

  2. #12
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    A sporran for all seasons!

    Quote Originally Posted by ziggy View Post
    I will just say this, I'm glad I am not the only one who stress over which sporran to wear

    Personally....you'll always feel better about being over dressed than underdressed, especially if it's already semiformal.
    Why have more than one at all? If you purchase a descent traditional (and I know some will say what's traditional) sporran then one size will fit all occasions. I'm fortunate to have a brass cantled deerskin sporran of a c1750 style that goes well with everything. I also have an original sand cast bronze cantled one of the period but don't tend to wear that for obvious reasons.

  3. #13
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    Have you considered dyeing that white fur? Before you try, you might invest $10 in a second white rabbit pelt, but I am betting some kind of fur or hair dye would make it nice and brown or black and a little less noticeable- test pelt plus dye ought to be under $20, but you'll probably want to wear gloves while you do it...
    Some take the high road and some take the low road. Who's in the gutter? MacLowlife

  4. #14
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    I would wear the day sporran, unless there is a problem with it that you're not telling us.

    I find it very confusing anymore trying to figure out what people mean by formal, semi-formal, or informal. It is very clear what people mean when they say "Black Tie", but everyone seems to define semi-formal and informal differently. I was told recently that "informal" meant coat and tie; I was planning to wear slacks and a sweater!

    I think you're outfit for the evening will be fine, unless your son throws up on you on your way out the door!

  5. #15
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    Okay, so I guess I have to ask....why can't the sporran your son barfed on be cleaned?

    My daughter did a runny poop on my rabbit fur parka ruff and it came out fine. I dabbed most of it out while still wet then once it dried I got the rest out with some baby powder and a dog brush.

    --Chelsea McMurdo--
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  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Squeaky McMurdo View Post
    Okay, so I guess I have to ask....why can't the sporran your son barfed on be cleaned?

    My daughter did a runny poop on my rabbit fur parka ruff and it came out fine. I dabbed most of it out while still wet then once it dried I got the rest out with some baby powder and a dog brush.

    --Chelsea McMurdo--
    Well, I was wearing a kilt at the time- obviously- and it was PV, so I took it off and asked my wife to wash it. She thought I meant the whole thing... Sporrans don't seem to tolerate washing machines very well...
    "Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.

  7. #17
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    Ah, so it got wet and warped out of shape....

    Well if it still has all it's stitches, fur, ect, and the only problem is that it's now shaped funny, you can re-wet it and put it under something heavy until it dries. It won't be in time for your dinner -- therefore my vote is for the custom daywear one you have -- but it will live again!

    --Chelsea McMurdo--
    (who has accidentally washed a sporran before...don't tell my husband)
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  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Squeaky McMurdo View Post
    Ah, so it got wet and warped out of shape....

    Well if it still has all it's stitches, fur, ect, and the only problem is that it's now shaped funny, you can re-wet it and put it under something heavy until it dries. It won't be in time for your dinner -- therefore my vote is for the custom daywear one you have -- but it will live again!

    --Chelsea McMurdo--
    (who has accidentally washed a sporran before...don't tell my husband)
    I got upset and trashed it. That was a long night...
    "Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.

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