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  1. #41
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    Brad Pitt was supposed to be Irish-Gypsy... I am with you in the dark as to how well he did it, or if anyone else on earth has done it before...
    Some take the high road and some take the low road. Who's in the gutter? MacLowlife

  2. #42
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    Was that the film "Chocolat" ?

  3. #43
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    Speaking of non-Scots accents...

    Sir Anthony Hopkins as Burt Munro in the World's Fastest Indian. I don't know how much experience people have with a Kiwi accent (since moving to Holland I've come to realise how quite peculiar it is!) but Sir Anthony's Kiwi accent was nothing short of spectacular.

    As I was listening in the beginning, I was thinking how great it was, only that he had a bit of Southland "r" (the rest of us don't do it), of course watching further, I realised the film was based in Invercargill (Southland), brilliant! He had a better Southlander accent than most of the rest of the (Kiwi) actors. Not only that, but he somehow managed to capture the old Kiwi accent, the one our grandparents used (before we had so much American TV).

    I wonder how many hours he spent listening to old recordings of old New Zealanders prattle on...

    As a Southlander, I found that it was okay, probably more of a townie accent than a rural one, the Burr in the accent, which is a hangover from the Scottish settlers in the province, is the only regional accent we have in NZ. And if you compare it to the UK, which has the same land mass and a large variety of accents its quite peculiar really.


    1:30 mins is probably his best attempt at it "Burt Munro isnt..."

    Then again, Jafas and the surrounding areas are beginning to sound like lynn of tawa...



    ...Even today, traces of Scottish speech persist in Southland voices, with R often pronounced with a rolling burr. This is more noticeable in country people...
    The rest of the Northern actors in the movie, couldnt do a Southern accent, to forced and over the top.
    Last edited by ###KILTEDKIWI###; 23rd January 10 at 01:27 PM. Reason: spelling

  4. #44
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lachlan09 View Post
    Was that the film "Chocolat" ?
    I think that was Johnny Depp doing an Irish accent.

    The Aussie actor in Avatar does a great American accent. Why is it that so many Aussie actors can do a good American accent, but so few American actors can do an Aussie accent?

  5. #45
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    My favourite was Jim Carrey in Dumb and Dumber. At the start when he is chauffeuring a limo and sees a beautiful woman at a bus stop. He stops and offers her a lift and when he asks where she’s from, she tells him Austria. At that Jim Carrey, shows his savvy by replying “Put another shrimp on the barbie mate !” in a terrible Australian accent !

  6. #46
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    in a terrible Australian accent
    is there any other...

  7. #47
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    In the mid to late '80's, I used to work with Kiwis in London, they worked for John Laing Construction/Laing Management Contracting and had various guys like eg Mike O'Rourke, who was a package & project manager (later worked successfully with large developers and became a TV celeb for reconstructing the past). Years later, I hadn't seen him for yonks and one busy morning rush-hour in Oxford Circus tube concourse I heard this really loud shout in an unmistakeable Kiwi accent, from a long way across the station "LACHLAN GOW ! AS I LIVE AND BREATHE !!". It was Mick O'Rourke !!!! It stopped people in their tracks !! We caught up on news etc and arranged a pint !

    One of the other Kiwis at LMC was a grad called Grant Tregithra (maybe not quite spelled right). He used to come out with a phrase when something mildly displeased him "Awwww Rif (Ref) !"

    We had a young Kiwi secretary at our head office in the West End who I used to travel with from Wimbledon to and from work. A really pretty lady from Hamilton, called Kathy Eade. (I really fancied her but I was married so no go and she's wasn't going to dabble !!). But we were good pals and she used to get me to take her washing to the launderette on a Saturday morning. Anyway, she had a fab and wicked sense of humour and we used to have a quiet snigger about all the dead-pan-faced people travelling on the train, who looked like they were going to their doom. I always remember (or rimimba) she used to pronounce my name "Leckie" as my shortened b\name is Lachie.

    Funny enough, Aussies always called me "Lockie" while English folk called me "Lack".

    I think Kiwis are A1 !

    PS I once bumped into Jonah Lomu (literally) in Cathay Pacific's 1st class lounge in Hong Kong after the sevens. It was 1993 and the Kiwis were flying out to another competition in England I think. Big bug*er, isn't he ? !
    Last edited by Lachlan09; 30th January 10 at 02:59 AM.

  8. #48
    Join Date
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    or rimimba
    Perfect, thats how its pronounced...lol

    Aussies always called me "Lockie" while English folk called me "Lack".
    Grew up with quite a few "Lockies", thats how we pronounce it.

    Even a poor bugger called Lachlan Maclaughlin, I' S' Y' N'
    Clearly his parents were not very inventive.

    PS I once bumped into Jonah Lomu
    Poor old Jonah, what could of been, if only he had the standard scan inutero that is free here, would of found that common kidney problem and had it sorted, and Jonahzilla would of been destroying teams for at least a few more years...

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