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  1. #1
    Join Date
    7th December 09
    Santa Fe, New Mexico
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    What a wonderful looking crew!
    Frankly, I'm jealous. Next time i come up to Denver I will be certain to announce the visit, and buy a round on New Mexico.
    Slàinte mhòr
    Si Deus, quis contra? Spence and Brown on my mother's side, Johnston from my father, proud member of Clan MacDuff!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    9th September 09
    Soup-erior, CO
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    That was a good time!

    Let's do it again.

    With less water.

    Thanks for putting it together . That fourth picture is quite a shot...from left to right, the captions could read..."Wow, he is really gonna destroy that cheese!" "I am really gonna destroy this cheese." "Darnit, caught on camera with my mouth full!"

    The Colorado tartan looks really good...maybe it's time to start jonesing again.

    See you guys next time, and let's make it soon!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    2nd October 07
    Denver, Colorado- a mile high, baby!
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    Quote Originally Posted by wildrover View Post
    That was a good time!

    Let's do it again.

    With less water.

    Thanks for putting it together . That fourth picture is quite a shot...from left to right, the captions could read..."Wow, he is really gonna destroy that cheese!" "I am really gonna destroy this cheese." "Darnit, caught on camera with my mouth full!"

    The Colorado tartan looks really good...maybe it's time to start jonesing again.

    See you guys next time, and let's make it soon!

    I decided to wear my Colorado today- it's a 16 oz kilt, so it's nice and warm- and those same red Lewis Rich hose that I wore to dinner. If you get a Colorado, it looks best with bright colored socks. I have one pair of forest green and the red ones that I like to wear with it- the bright hose really bring out the colors of the kilt.

    Quote Originally Posted by gordontaos View Post
    What a wonderful looking crew!
    Frankly, I'm jealous. Next time i come up to Denver I will be certain to announce the visit, and buy a round on New Mexico.
    Slàinte mhòr
    We hope you make it soon then. (Livingston had his heart set on a shot that was in the $750 range, so you may want to watch what you offer! ) I may be making it to the Taos area in June. I'll have to let know if I do!
    "Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    7th December 09
    Santa Fe, New Mexico
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    Sooner is Always better

    Please do contact me in June, or before. We will certainly have to celebrate a Kiltie coming to Taos.
    Si Deus, quis contra? Spence and Brown on my mother's side, Johnston from my father, proud member of Clan MacDuff!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    2nd October 07
    Denver, Colorado- a mile high, baby!
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    Quote Originally Posted by gordontaos View Post
    Please do contact me in June, or before. We will certainly have to celebrate a Kiltie coming to Taos.
    Taos is one of my favorite places in the whole world! I get there as often as possible... Which sadly, isn't often.
    "Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    8th November 05
    Northglenn, Colorado, USA
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    Quote Originally Posted by wildrover View Post
    That was a good time!

    Let's do it again.

    With less water.

    Thanks for putting it together . That fourth picture is quite a shot...from left to right, the captions could read..."Wow, he is really gonna destroy that cheese!" "I am really gonna destroy this cheese." "Darnit, caught on camera with my mouth full!"

    The Colorado tartan looks really good...maybe it's time to start jonesing again.

    See you guys next time, and let's make it soon!

    Well, far be it from me to mention the water, without prompting that is.

    She turned just as I was taking that picture so I knew it wouldn't be the best. I'll make sure to bring my camera next time and that way we'll have enough memory in it for "do over's".
    Greg Livingston
    Clan MacLea (Livingstone)

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