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Thread: Kilt repair

  1. #11
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    Looking forward to this one. I'll be watching for the updates. Can't wait to see how you handle some of the repairs.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiltman View Post
    Wonderful suggestion, but oh how much work!
    I only suggested it as there is so much to do to the tailoring anyway, so that the kilt will be fairly well dissasembled, plus the removal of the upper part might actually reduce the amount of work to do if it takes off damaged and threadbare areas, and give material for patching too.

    Anne the Pleater :ootd:

  3. #13
    Paul Henry is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Steady everyone!
    While it's an idea to take the whole thing apart and rebuild it,it's not an option, the client loves this kilt, and wants it remain very much the same, but just a little larger.I'm repairing a few obvious bits, and making sound any loose bits, and I volunteered to replace the lining as it was falling off, as I would have had to remove some of it to get to the interlining so that it's easier to sew.

    The budget is limited, so that is a factor in the work as well.

    @Anne , the hem is staying as it is, it is worn in places, and previous repairs have cut into it as well, so not really an option. I'm going to cut into the deep pleat under the interlining to gain a few bits of extra cloth, but I think that will be the only extra cutting!

  4. #14
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    Ah - I had visualised an almost complete reworking of the fell in order to repair the sewing of the pleats, renewing the lining and finding the extra inch required.

    It could be that all the tinkering and tweeking maintaining the original kilt takes longer than a total overhaul, but with there being such a strong sentimental attachment, is is probably worth regarding it as the conservation of a treasured artifact rather than a repair.

    Anne the Pleater :ootd:

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