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  1. #1
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    Various Photos of Interest

    Below are several photos that I think everyone would enjoy. I love seeing all of the photographical research on XMTS-seeing what and how others where Highland attire has always helped me in choosing what I want to wear and how I wear it. Enjoy!

    The photo above is of P/M Roger Huth competing in London for the Bratach Gorm (Blue Banner). Note the weathered colors of his kilt, the brown ghillie brogues, lovely tweed argyll and waistcoat, and sporran-they all just seem to go together very well. Very traditional, without lacking his personal style and taste.

    The photo above is of P/M Gordon Walker winning the Bratach Gorm. Note his interesting double breasted waiscoat, tattersal shirt, regimental necktie, heavy knit hose, and handsome tweed argyll. He looks absolutely bang on! He is quite the character too-funny, loves his single malt, and is a top notch piper to say the least!

    Detail of Gordon Walker's attire.

    Detail of Roger Huth's attire-note the regimental necktie-quite smart with the tweed argyll and check shirt.

    Another outfit that Gordon Walker wears quite well. Charcoal color Braemar, with check shirt and Black Watch regimental necktie. He wears his glengarry correctly and well. He is a former regimental Pipe Major.

    The three photos feature myself (in the charcoal jacket and black/red balmoral with white heather and white gauntlets) having the honor of carrying the Bratach Uaine, or the green banner of the Clan Macpherson, during the 2007 clan march in Badenoch, Inverness-shire. It is also featured in Macleay's portrait of the Macphersons, held by Lachlan Macpherson of Cat Lodge, Laggan, Champion of Scotland (see image below). Also notice some of the Macpherson men wearing distinctive tweed argyll jackets made with the colors of the hunting Macpherson tartan. These were first desgined by the present clan chief, Sir William Macpherson of Cluny and Blairgowrie and can be purchased at a wee shop called "Hugh Macpherson's" in Edinburgh.

    Last edited by creagdhubh; 10th February 10 at 05:40 PM.

  2. #2
    MacKay71's Avatar
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    Nice pics!
    Scott D McKay

    * The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits *

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    So many interesting things in the pictures - Thanks for posting. It would have been nice to have some captions, so we know what was going on in each photo (hint, hint).

    Just a few observations.

    Obviously a piping competition; I didn't know that they were held indoors. I always thought that they held outdoors to stop any echo - we live and learn.

    Picture two, love the double breasted waistcoat. Makes a really good change from the usual.

    In all the pictures, the piper's use of brown leather rather than black. We get so used to seeing black leather that when someone wears brown it really lifts the whole outfit.

    Any chance, creagdhubh, of a bit more information. Please.



  4. #4
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    Post deleted by Jock Scot.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 9th February 10 at 06:12 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Excellent set of pics. Please tell us more about your piping competitions.
    Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.

  6. #6
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    judging by the banner in the background they're taken in london. the first and fourth pics are pm Roger Huth; a stalwart of the south of england piping scene and a genuinely lovely man whose modesty is in direct proportion to his enormous piping talent. He plays for the Oxford university scottish dance soc when they drag themselves out of bed @ an unearthly hour on may day to start dancing in Radcliffe square @ 6 in the morning. The other piper is equally well known and talented but I'll let someone else tell that tale.

  7. #7
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    Oh gosh how could I get that wrong! Quite right Londonpiper.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Yes London indeed. I was not able to get this event but was at the one before and it was held at The London Scottish Regiment HQ near Victoria. The sound in the toilets was deafening as there were so few rooms in which to tune their pipes, so every available space was taken.

    The HQ was a fantastic building with many artifacts from the Regiment and some wonderful painting of battles from the Great War as well as other conflicts.
    Schiehallion kilted and true

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Picture two, love the double breasted waistcoat. Makes a really good change from the usual.

    In all the pictures, the piper's use of brown leather rather than black. We get so used to seeing black leather that when someone wears brown it really lifts the whole outfit.
    Those were the main things that I noticed too. Brown leather for the shoes and sporran really do make for a better daywear look than black. Both of these fellows look superb to me.

  10. #10
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    Its the Bratach Gorm piping competition in London. (The London Piping Society). The top pics are of P/M Roger Huth and latter is of P/M Gordon Walker. More detailed information to come!

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