13th February 10, 11:04 AM
Yep, but it's Chicago in February. Not a real going concern. We'll have snow until June!!!
13th February 10, 11:17 AM
This has to be a Joke. Vancouver and Whistler have no snow. I bet some people in Vancouver would trade our relatively dry weather with you guys.
13th February 10, 11:22 AM
This is eastern North Carolina this morning, 20 miles in from the outer banks.

In a democracy it's your vote that counts; in feudalism, it's your Count that votes.
13th February 10, 12:30 PM
We've had about 58" so far, a little below average. Last year we had more than that much just in Dec. alone.
13th February 10, 01:03 PM
I'm guessing about 3" - 4" here. Figured it would be a great chance to do some gear testing so I strung up my hammock and Tarp. I needed to see if my tarp would hold the weight or rip. In the span of about 2 hours we went from this

to this

But today has just been absolutely gorgeous

13th February 10, 02:01 PM
Well we have snow at home (Dallas, TX) which is highly unusual, and we have snow up at my family's place (Harrisburg, PA).
The snow in Harrisburg, keeps growing and growing. Note in the photo. Notice the car in the background. 
13th February 10, 02:13 PM
Actually, a guy on my local news radio station said that there was a report of snow in Hawaii, up on top of one of the mountains where a telescope is located. So that made if official in all states including Hawaii.
The only snow in Texas, though, was up in the northern extremity. Down here we got nothing but a little light sleet and mostly cold rain.
13th February 10, 02:30 PM
A lovely little snow in Central SC- came in around 4, entertained and delighted all night long and began leaving this morning- no need to shovel, plow, or miss work- very similar to BeeDee's pics.
Some take the high road and some take the low road. Who's in the gutter? MacLowlife
13th February 10, 03:00 PM
We're hosting the winter Olympics and I am wearing shorts and flip flops today. It's been a warm and rainy winter in Vancouver.
13th February 10, 03:32 PM
No snow on the Pacific Coast. Oregon, Washington and California are not white. That includes BC, where they are struggling with some Olympic events.
Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.
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