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  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Although I cannot speak to Paul's specific example, we find it here in the more rural or less populated areas where there may be only one shop that carries a particular genre of attire or equipment, and it is known as the "rural monopoly"---basically 3 factors in play:
    first, since they are further out in the boonies than their urban competitors shipping costs may be higher both in and out of their locale; second, since they are not urban their overall customer traffic flow is not high enough (i.e. few random walk-ins) so their overall volume of sales numbers are lower, which means they need to make more profit per customer interaction; and third, as stated they are a monopoly, so they can fix their prices at what they feel the local market will bear for their wares, meaning they can charge higher because the only other options are for the customer to drive to another town to get the items, or now, order online but sight unseen, a risky business as we all know. Plus since a lot of their work is likely bespoke, being local they can do the precise measurements that are harder to get correct over the internet. But it can be a very tenuous existence living at thin margins as so many do.


  2. #12
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    I agree with all you say and it is very difficult to compare prices as every business has its own way of doing things and financial strategies and burdens. What I am particularly interested in is making sure the prices are being compared for the SAME type and maker of, say for example, sporran.It is always handy to know for a fact what we are talking about whether we are talking, sporrans, pitch forks, or tractors.

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    To the OP, definitely take the advice of the rabble and talk to the stateside (or at least, on this continent) kiltmakers...they do excellent work, in many cases at a fraction of the price of what your initial research uncovered.

    You'll need more than just the kilt, do budget for a quality dress sporran to go with the kilt, and definitely have a look at the diced hose available from the vendors here...it looks really sharp, far better than cream hose. There is a wide variety of solid colored hose as well.

    FWIW, I outright laughed at a couple of the prices posted. That is just silly, particularly considering that while it may be a bespoke garment, you are not on hand to truly take advantage of the services offered as far as fitment and potentially setting up the remainder of the outfit.

    For better or for worse, have a look at this thread, regarding the whole black on black on black thing...and regardless what you do, don't let the kilt droop, and don't pull your hose up too high like these guys.


  4. #14
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    I agree it is hard to do comparisons unless one is holding the item in one's hands and can be assured it is identical or at least of the same quality as those to which one is comparing. Chisholms of Inverness does business as Duncan Chisholm & Sons in Inverness as well as online at kilts.co.uk (pretty easy to remember---wonder why they never popped up on my radar when I do searches for items?). I did some quick "comparisons" for a couple items although I am not sure that these qualify as being directly comparable---sporrans were tough so I gave up on that.

    PC off rack Chisholms 250gbp Scotweb 250gbp Kinlock-Anderson 350gbp Geoffrey Tailor 349 gbp (less expensive versions did not have prices listed)

    Lovat Green Tweed Day jacket off rack Chisholms 225gbp Scotweb 220gbp Kinlock-Anderson 265gbp Geoffrey Tailor 299 gbp (less expensive versions did not have prices listed)

    Diced Black Balmoral bonnet Chisholms 51gbp Scotweb 77gbp Kinlock-Anderson 65gbp Geoffrey Tailor not listed

    So it seems that prices for various items may be all over the place from different vendors, and this is a very crude measure becasue without being there physically to examine each item it is hard to be sure quality in each from each vendor is the same.

    But Jock, I think you have me convinced at least to give Chisholm's a look whenever I am in the market for additional highlandwear.


  5. #15
    Join Date
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    I am currently having a kilt made for me. It is hand stitched in 'regimental' weight RAF tartan and with a fly plaid and shipping comes to £350 ($546).

    I see no advantage in paying a penny more than that.

    I am getting a personal service and regular updates as to progress. I was even sent 2 swatches of the cloth so I could match accessories.



  6. #16
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by ForresterModern View Post
    Those vendors you have chosen are certainly top end marketing retailers who should be able to fit you into very high quality products, but at a matching high price.

    As stated above there are US or Canadian kiltmakers on the forum (Barb T, Matt Newsome, Bonnie Heather, Lady Chrystal, Keltoi, Norcalpiper only to name a few) as well as off the forum (JHiggins and Kathy Lare) and some of our advertisers here who can all provide you with the same level of service and quality in a full handsewn kilt for prices at least comparable if not significantly less than those you have quoted, and as stated above they are all (save Lady Chrystal) ...

    Good luck and congratulations.

    Folks, thanks for quoting her, but he name is Chrystel, Lady Chrystel.

    No worries... it happen's all the time !


    Robert Amyot-MacKinnon

  7. #17
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chas View Post
    I am currently having a kilt made for me. It is hand stitched in 'regimental' weight RAF tartan and with a fly plaid and shipping comes to £350 ($546).

    I see no advantage in paying a penny more than that.

    I am getting a personal service and regular updates as to progress. I was even sent 2 swatches of the cloth so I could match accessories.


    You know we all want to know who your kilt maker is and where your finding the fabric from?

    The hielan' man he wears the kilt, even when it's snowin';
    He kens na where the wind comes frae,
    But he kens fine where its goin'.

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    I'm not gonna get into the kiltmaker discussion, other than to say I think you can get a good quality kilt from various vendors without paying more than 500 bucks.

    But I will advise against the cream hose! You said yourself there's a lot of black in the outfit, but I think the cream hose would just really stick out rather than balance the look. If it was me, I'd look at 3 options;

    Wear Black or Charcoal Hose and red flashes. (More black!)

    Get some tartan or diced hose to match the kilt. (red and black diced are readily avalible)

    Wear your Hunting Stuart kilt with Black or Charcoal Hose and red or green flashes. (don't wanna talk you out of a new kilt, but this has more 'balance' IMO )

    Just my 2 cents, Good Luck!
    Order of the Dandelion, The Houston Area Kilt Society, Bald Rabble in Kilts, Kilted Texas Rabble Rousers, The Flatcap Confederation, Kilted Playtron Group.
    "If you’re going to talk the talk, you’ve got to walk the walk"

  9. #19
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    Thanks a lot for the advice guys! I think I will wear black hose/red flashes. I've worn that combo before and liked it.
    I did think cream hose wasn't quite the right choice

    Also a thank you for the additional kiltmakers that are reputable here on the NA Continent. I basically have this week
    to decide and place the order if I expect to have it all ready for the wedding.

    At this point I might simply chose my items as I go, with the Kilt and RD orders being placed this weekend.

    I'll keep ya updated

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by ForresterModern View Post

    I agree it is hard to do comparisons unless one is holding the item in one's hands and can be assured it is identical or at least of the same quality as those to which one is comparing. Chisholms of Inverness does business as Duncan Chisholm & Sons in Inverness as well as online at kilts.co.uk (pretty easy to remember---wonder why they never popped up on my radar when I do searches for items?). I did some quick "comparisons" for a couple items although I am not sure that these qualify as being directly comparable---sporrans were tough so I gave up on that.

    PC off rack Chisholms 250gbp Scotweb 250gbp Kinlock-Anderson 350gbp Geoffrey Tailor 349 gbp (less expensive versions did not have prices listed)

    Lovat Green Tweed Day jacket off rack Chisholms 225gbp Scotweb 220gbp Kinlock-Anderson 265gbp Geoffrey Tailor 299 gbp (less expensive versions did not have prices listed)

    Diced Black Balmoral bonnet Chisholms 51gbp Scotweb 77gbp Kinlock-Anderson 65gbp Geoffrey Tailor not listed

    So it seems that prices for various items may be all over the place from different vendors, and this is a very crude measure becasue without being there physically to examine each item it is hard to be sure quality in each from each vendor is the same.

    But Jock, I think you have me convinced at least to give Chisholm's a look whenever I am in the market for additional highlandwear.

    Jeff, the items you stated are indeed rather cheap compared with the couple of other vendors you mentioned, however, off the rack PCs made in Scotland are as cheap as £100 if you look around. Diced Balmorals are around £35 in many other websites, and you can buy probably the best quality one around - an unissued military Balmoral for £15. The lovat tweed jacket is £100 from Hector Russell, the exact same one as in Chisholms.

    I can appreciate when getting a kilt made for the first time you'll want to go somewhere local and reputable to get measured, however for off-the-rack items, which are regularly from the exact same manufacturer can often be sold at their real creation value. I can once again appreciate that if the shop isn't in a large city they wont have masses of custom therefore the items will have to be more expensive to pay for staff standing around doing nothing, but more expensive doesn't always mean better quality - especially with off-the-rack items which are externally made.
    It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom -- for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself.

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