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  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    I understand that full well Todd, but this is why I spend rather more time than I ought on this website to try to stem the tide( a wee bit) of all these misconceptions that people have about Scotland and how we go about things. You and others do know better and I respect that, sadly in your country you seem to be in a minority. I am not expecting to to the "king Canute" thing, that would be impossible, but at least in very small way, I can try to educate(have fun too) a wee bit and if only a wee fraction sinks in, then it will be worthwhile.

    I for one (though I am sure I can speak for others) truly appreciate what you have written in my short time in this forum. I have yet to own a kilt but when I am fortunate to acquire one of those splendid garments I know I will be able to wear it with the knowledge I have gained from the remarkable tutelage received on this site.

    I don't necessarily feel I have to be slavishly devoted to traditional or customary Highland style but I do know that I need to be careful and respect the legacy of those who have been kilted since long before I was born 52 years ago. In addition to advice from native Highlanders such as yourself, and many others who frequent this forum, I have enjoyed the input of Sandy, Matt, Richard and many other of my fellow Yanks who may not be Highlanders by birth but most certainly are by heart.

    Thank you Sir,


  2. #42
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    A very interesting thread indeed and the variety of responses are informative and fascinating.
    Personally I would not consider that the presence of a member of the House of Windsor at a Scottish themed games would contribute anything to the event. Looking at it from the aspect of a games secretary I would hope that no royals or senior politicians of any nationality would ever announce in advance an intention to attend my local games as I would be concerned that the security arrangements which they would require could prove to be a logistical nightmare and could deter some of the regulars from attending.
    Last edited by cessna152towser; 5th March 10 at 11:46 AM.
    Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.

  3. #43
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    I would be concerned that the security arrangements which they would request could prove to be a logistical nightmare and could deter some of the regulars from attending.
    I hadn't thought about that. I don't know what level of security he gets, as I'm not familiar with the British system for protecting royalty. Would he have security guards around him? Would they require people to submit to pat-downs at the gate? Would sgians dubh be prohibited while he's there?

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tobus View Post
    I hadn't thought about that. I don't know what level of security he gets, as I'm not familiar with the British system for protecting royalty. Would he have security guards around him? Would they require people to submit to pat-downs at the gate? Would sgians dubh be prohibited while he's there?
    Unless I am very much mistaken, I can see one security man in the picture of Prince Edward.

  5. #45
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    If the British are handling things, security should be low-key. If the Secret Service gets involved, it's a PITA.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by cessna152towser View Post
    I would be concerned that the security arrangements which they would require could prove to be a logistical nightmare and could deter some of the regulars from attending.
    I hope HRH's presence will benefit the games and help it grow, but my first thought when I read the opening thread was about how complicated that could make the day for other attendees. On the plus side, if you are there and not interested in seeing HRH, celebrities usually draw the crowd to themselves, leaving the rest of the venue less crowded.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chas View Post
    He took up carriage driving...
    Had to YouTube that one...I had visions of Cinderella, mixed with Baja, barstool racing, and Ben Hur.

    Interesting sport. Looks like fun.

    Jock et al, don't worry overmuch about what people think or say over here . Some people seem to yearn for bygone days of colonies and royal fealty, others go to highland games and sling over their backs what appear to be ornate BBQ spits, there are still others with a near Rastafarian or cargo-cultist take on highland attire, tradition, and the British royal family, but I think most just see a visiting notable who's giving a nod to a cultural gathering focused on a culture he may, in part, represent.

    No big deal. I could get my kilt knotted up around my landing gear every time someone says "The Colonies", but...is it that big a deal? A bit of unthinking insensitivity or misplaced romanticism isn't going to stop me from downing a beer with the next guy, so long as he keeps it real . Granted, I might look sideways at somebody who's adopted a faux-Brit accent in their "great kilt", complete with BBQ spit, huge furry boots and blue paint...but they are (fortunately) the exception.

    So, you all really figure the guy is going to show up? It'd be cool if he did...tho I have to admit, I'm skeptical.


  8. #48
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    If it has been planned then it will happen.Unless there is some dire situation happening somewhere the Prince will be there, have no doubt about that. The one thing is for sure these chaps are absolute professionals at meeting all kinds of people from all walks of life and what is more, putting people at their ease.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by wildrover View Post

    So, you all really figure the guy is going to show up? It'd be cool if he did...tho I have to admit, I'm skeptical.

    As Jock has said, baring some unforeseen last minute circumstance, HRH Prince Edward will attend the Greenville Scottish Games on May 28-29 of this year. The invitation to attend the games was extended to HRH in 2008, and preparations for his visit began in 2009. These preparations included changing the date of the games to avoid pre-existing commitments already on HRHs schedule for June of 2010.

    "The Prince is attending the Games in his capacity as the chairman of the Duke of Edinburgh's Awards. The Greenville Scottish Games actively supports the Duke of Edinburgh Awards, and HRH will present awards to a number of young people who have qualified for either the bronze, silver, or gold award."

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacMillan of Rathdown View Post
    As Jock has said, baring some unforeseen last minute circumstance, HRH Prince Edward will attend the Greenville Scottish Games on May 28-29 of this year. The invitation to attend the games was extended to HRH in 2008, and preparations for his visit began in 2009. These preparations included changing the date of the games to avoid pre-existing commitments already on HRHs schedule for June of 2010.

    "The Prince is attending the Games in his capacity as the chairman of the Duke of Edinburgh's Awards. The Greenville Scottish Games actively supports the Duke of Edinburgh Awards, and HRH will present awards to a number of young people who have qualified for either the bronze, silver, or gold award."
    Right on!

    So...what are these awards?

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