Thought you may be interested in THIS article on the BBC website.
There is a picture of some 'Military themed Kilt outfits' with Pith helmets included.
I m finding that more and more of this sub-culture are coming to me for period recreations as far as hose and coats are concerned. I've even been to a couple of shows in The City (The Edwardian Ball to be more specific)to check out this phenomena....Very fun and interesting.
My involvement in this interesting subculture is half the reason I got a double box pleat kilt! It's interesting to see this article. Thanks! The nice thing about alternative history, as opposed to living history, is the freedom it allows. With the Renaissance Scots, there is only so much I can do from the standpoint of costuming. There was only so much that the Highlanders wore! With the whole Neo Victorian thing, however, I can let my imagination go nuts! Why couldn't there be a double box pleated kilt in there somewhere? It's great fun!
"Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.