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Thread: All quiet.

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bugbear View Post
    Nothing... Don't worry about it.
    Ted, how long has it been since you changed your "pen" name? I have only just noticed!

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Ted, how long has it been since you changed your "pen" name? I have only just noticed!
    Well, now I've noticed too. Funny how we look at the avatar and know exactly who it is.

  3. #23
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    Steve made the change for me earlier today.
    I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
    Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…

  4. #24
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    Nice to hear you can hear :-)

    I must admit the roaring jets of the RAF as we sailed on Loch Ness was a shock to my system. All three times. Enjoy the din!
    Last edited by ChubRock; 18th April 10 at 05:26 AM.
    A proud Great-Great Grandson of the Clan MacLellan from Kirkcudbright.

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  5. #25
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    Unhappy Noise Pollution...

    I have to say that on my return from Scotland in 1998 (after several months in country) I was quite literally "shocked" by the noise pollution at the Atlanta airport. Sadly, that' sort of hub-bub is all too common across the modern South- strip malls and 4-lane divided highways.

    Matt: I believe the correct pronunciation of a burn in your part of the country is "crick"... :P
    Here's tae us, Whas like us... Deil the Yin!

  6. #26
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    There has been a noticable drop in the air temperatures in morning and evening since the ash layer arrived - we were enjoying a really warm few days where everything sprang into life at once and it looked as though the garden was going to join in a glorious spurt of growth and bud burst - but everything has slowed down and seems to be rather concerned that it was being all too hasty in its enthusiasm for the returning sun.

    Any dew brings a fresh layer of ash down onto the cars and all surfaces are gritty.

    My son's mother in law - little Jake's other grandma - went to Canada to see his new cousin, and is now hoping to fly next weekend after overstaying by a week.

    What chaos if this continues - what on earth will happen to people who have visitor visas or permits running out? Will they be working their passage on ships heading in the right direction? Begging lifts on large yachts?

    I bet the fresh produce aisles at the supermarkets will be bare - all those tropical fruits and out of season veges normally flown in will be rotting in the stores or on the tree/vine - a real disaster for the farmers, transporters, importers and all involved in the business.

    Anne the Pleater :ootd:

  7. #27
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    Lucky you Jock. In my neck of the woods we get F-35's and German Tornado's training. You can well imagine the racket they can make in the mountains, especially when they create multiple sonic booms


  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deil the Yin View Post
    Matt: I believe the correct pronunciation of a burn in your part of the country is "crick"... :P
    Either that or "brainch".

    When given a choice, most people will choose.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rob Wright View Post
    Lucky you Jock. In my neck of the woods we get F-35's and German Tornado's training. You can well imagine the racket they can make in the mountains, especially when they create multiple sonic booms


    Sometimes they scramble the F-16s out over the Phoenix area and it shakes everything.

    Out here, to the East, there are sometimes WWII bombers etc flying over very low, and they do make a lot of unmistakeable noise.

    Not exactly sure where you are, Rob; I used to live in a town near by Holloman Air Force Base, and White Sands, NM. Sounds like somewhere similar with the German aircraft.
    I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
    Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…

  10. #30
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    My wife and I teach rock climbing and rappeling for the Boy Scouts, and we always look foreward to going out to remote climbs in the peace and quiet.

    However, I am an aircraft mechanic in Atlanta for Delta Airlines. The 3 days after 9/11 were the creepest in my 23 years in aviation. Hartsfied Intl. airport is the busiest in the world and for those 3 nights at work, not only was it silent but we had to watch every single aircraft in the fleet sitting on the ramp doing nothing, not knowing how long they would be sitting there, or how it would effect our jobs! I'm sure there are similar feelings in europe now.
    Scott D McKay

    * The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits *

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