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  1. #1
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    wonderful Ebay kilt jacket experience

    I just wanted to say that I recently bit the bullet/gave in to the jonesing and bought a wonderful tweed Argyll kilt jacket on Ebay.

    The seller is Scottish Tartans Store.

    Here it is, the photo from their listing:

    They call this colour "Forest Green" though it's not at all what I would think of as Forest Green. It's a lovely mid-green herringbone tweed, a bluish green, which suits my kilts perfectly.

    When the jacket came yesterday I was amazed that the fit was absolutely perfect. I'm 6'4" 16 stone and then some so it's common for jackets to not fit right. (With some I need a 46L, others a 48R, others a 48L depending on how each maker sizes its jackets.)

    The sleeves are what I consider to be just the right length, somewhat longer than is shown on the model in the photo there, coming halfway between my wrist and knuckles. (That's where kilt jacket sleeves look "right" to my eye.)

    It's made by St Kilda. For those that don't know, St Kilda is a fairly large company in Glasgow.

    They have a kilt hire/Highland Dress/Pipe Band Outfitter shop at George Cross in Glasgow. I would drop by often during my stay in Maryhill.

    They make thier own bagpipes, sporrans, kilt hose, kilts, jackets, etc.

    One very nice thing about this jacket is that it's lighter in weight than the vintage tweed kilt jackets I'm used to. This weight is much better for our climate here.

  2. #2
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    Do You Have A Link

    I'm not sure what I am doing wrong but I am having difficult locating this store on EBay. Any chance you have a link?


  3. #3
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    Out of curiosity, what US size jacket do you normally take?

    I'm still trying to get the apparent disparity between the US and UK sizing but it seems like there are no constants in any jacket sizes at all any more...I've got everything here from a 44R down to a 40R and it's driving me a bit battier than usual. I had to order a regular Saxon tuxedo from an online company a while back and the 42 was hanging offa me...thus the inconvenience of sending one back while ordering another. Some kind of consistency would be nice...



  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by seanachie View Post
    I'm not sure what I am doing wrong but I am having difficult locating this store on EBay. Any chance you have a link?

    PM sent

  5. #5
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    I'm...ahem..."green" with envy!! I know, I know...bad pun!
    "If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." -- Thomas Paine

    Scottish-American Military Society Post 1921

  6. #6
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    The sizes of Argyll/Crail/Braemar kilt jackets just seems to vary all over the place from maker to maker.

    I got an Argyll in 46 a year or so ago (no maker's name inside) that's the same size exactly as this 48 from St Kilda.

    So buying them on Ebay is a crapshoot.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by OC Richard View Post
    The sizes of Argyll/Crail/Braemar kilt jackets just seems to vary all over the place from maker to maker.

    I got an Argyll in 46 a year or so ago (no maker's name inside) that's the same size exactly as this 48 from St Kilda.

    So buying them on Ebay is a crapshoot.
    That's why it's worthwhile to ask for measurements of eBay clothing items in order to hedge your bets. I recently picked up a Harris Tweed jacket on eBay that was listed as a 38S but had the measurements of a 40L or 42R!

    Do you have pics of yourself wearing the new acquisition?
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  8. #8
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    Not sure what you paid but the St Kilda site itself is having a pretty decent sale on tweed jackets with our without waistcoats ( $162US without vest and $215US with vest) plus about $20US shipping, and they usually ship surface mail so customs is not usually an issue . When I compared the website prices to their Ebay prices for the same item I discovered that the website had essentially the same prices but deducted the VAT and had cheaper shipping, making the overall deal from the website better than ebay.


    Can't wait for pictures of yours.

    Last edited by ForresterModern; 20th April 10 at 06:46 PM.

  9. #9
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    No pictures yet but I wore that jacket and vest yesterday for a funeral gig. It looks great.

    I looked at the St Kilda tag which came on the jacket and it calls the colour "Highland Green". It's very simliar to the colour of some "Lovat Green" hose and bonnets I've seen, while "Lovat Green" jackets tend to be rather lighter.

    Thanks for that link! I did seem to overpay a bit on Ebay as it turns out.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by ForresterModern View Post
    <snip> When I compared the website prices to their Ebay prices for the same item I discovered that the website had essentially the same prices but deducted the VAT and had cheaper shipping, making the overall deal from the website better than ebay.
    Quote Originally Posted by OC Richard View Post
    Thanks for that link! I did seem to overpay a bit on Ebay as it turns out.
    That situation seems to be quite common when a retailer with their own site also sells on eBay. It's definitely worth comparing eBay to the home website because cutting out the middleman is usually cheaper!

    That being said, sometimes I have seen retailers do blow out clearances of items on eBay that aren't listed on their sites...
    - Justitia et fortitudo invincibilia sunt
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